David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

‘You are threatening us?’ said the bishop.

‘Indeed I am, my lord. I will also petition the Moidart to arrest those who break the king’s law. Since the Moidart himself has found Maev Ring innocent of earlier charges I feel sure he will listen most attentively to my plea.’

‘This is insufferable!’ shouted the bishop. ‘I shall have you flogged for your impertinence.’

‘May I speak, my lords?’ said Arlin Bedver, stepping forward to the table. He leaned close to the bishop and spoke too softly for Maev to hear what was said. The silence grew. Then the bishop waved Bedver back.

‘Alterith Shaddler will be recorded as advocate for the witch,’ he said. ‘The trial is set for—’

‘If it please the court,’ interrupted Alterith Shaddler, ‘I will need at least three days to gather affidavits and depositions to support the defence. Such a right is enshrined in . . .’ he drew more papers from his satchel ‘. . . clause seventeen, paragraph nine of the Church Constitution regarding heresy, sedition, and acts of desecration.’

The bishop flicked a glance to Arlin Bedver and Maev saw him nod agreement.

‘The trial is set for three days’ time,’ said the bishop. ‘Do you have any other demands, Mr Shaddler?’

‘I would ask, my lord, that Maev Ring be released from custody until the trial.’

‘Denied!’ The bishop heaved his huge bulk from his seat. ‘This hearing is over,’ he said. Then he stalked from the dais.

Two guards bearing ornamental lances took Maev Ring away. ‘I will come to you presently,’ Alterith Shaddler called after her. Then he replaced the papers in his satchel and approached Arlin Bedver. ‘I would appreciate sight of your affidavits,’ he said.

‘Of course, Master Shaddler. They make grim reading.’

‘How so?’

‘Fifteen of Maev Ring’s . . . partners . . . have stated under oath that she cast spells upon them in order to swindle them out of their businesses. The widow of Parsis Feld maintains he was a changed man after Ring came to him. Before that he was a churchgoer and a man steeped in goodness. After they became partners he began consorting with prostitutes, and took to strong drink. The case is enormously strong against her. My advice to you is to urge Maev Ring to plead guilty and to show genuine remorse. The Church will then strip her of her ill-gotten gains, sentence her to a public flogging and then release her. Should she make a vain effort to plead innocence the Church will ask for the full penalty under the law. She will be flogged, and then hanged or burned.’

Alterith looked into the man’s dark eyes. ‘I wonder, Master Bedver, if you realize that this is a travesty, or whether you genuinely believe this is a case of witchcraft?’

‘What I believe – or do not believe – is incidental, Master Shaddler. The Church has brought the case, and I am the appointed advocate for the Church. The depositions and affidavits are here. Please feel free to read them. I shall wait until you have finished.’

Alterith carried the documents to the table so recently vacated by the panel and began to read. What he found there sickened him.

An hour later he was ushered into the cell at the rear of the cathedral. It was not built as a dungeon, but as a bedchamber for priests. There was a bed, and a small table with two wooden chairs, and a lantern was hanging on a wrought iron bracket on the far wall. A small window looked out onto gardens.

‘Not so terrible a place,’ he said as he entered.

‘No,’ agreed Maev Ring. Alterith thought she looked tired.

‘Are they feeding you well?’ he asked.

‘Aye, they bring me food. Why are you doing this, schoolteacher?’

‘I believe you to be innocent, madam.’

She shrugged. ‘What does that matter? Innocent or guilty they will burn me.’

‘They have fifteen witnesses who say you bewitched them,’ said Alterith. ‘I have copied out their names. My understanding is that you have more than twenty partnerships.’


‘Then at least twelve of your partners refused to condemn you. I shall seek them out and ask them to speak on your behalf at the trial.’

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Categories: David Gemmell