David Gemmell – Rigante 3 – Ravenheart

In perfect conditions Kaelin knew he could make the climb, then angle along the highest ridge, coming down into Rigante territory beyond the pass. These were not perfect conditions. It had been raining in the night, and the granite was greasy and slick. In addition, Chara was in no fit state to tackle such a task.

Yet what were the alternatives? They could cut away to the south, and hope to survive. He had coin, and if they reached dis­tant settlements he could purchase food and supplies – always supposing they could stay clear of beetleback patrols. And what would happen here if Chara did not return home? Call Jace might lead his Rigante out against the cannons. It would be a massacre.

At last Kaelin returned to Chara. ‘We need to scale the cliffs, and move along the ridge of the mountain,’ he said.

Chara looked aghast. ‘No-one can climb the cliffs, Kaelin. They are hundreds of feet high, and there is no knowing what lies at the peaks.’

‘If we stay here they will find us eventually, or we will die of . hunger and cold. There is no going back, and there is no going for- f ward. All that is left is up. I have climbed cliffs. It is not so difficult. As long as you keep your head, and keep a firm grip on your imagination. Do not look down. Concentrate only on handholds and footholds.’

Chara stared up at the towering rock face. ‘It is madness,’ she said. ‘We will fall and be dashed to pieces.’

‘As I said, you need to keep a firm grip on your imagination.’

‘I can’t do it,’ she said, backing away.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘I do not want to do this either.’ He told her of his fears concerning a Rigante attack on the cannon, and how Rayster had warned him that Call Jace would risk everything to save her. ‘I can think of no other way to bring you home,’ he finished.

She sat in silence for a few moments. ‘Have you ever climbed a cliff as high as this?’ she asked him.


‘We don’t know what is up there. There might be no route through to the valley. Then we’d have to climb down again.’

‘Yes,’ he agreed.

‘I do not like heights. They make me dizzy.’

‘You do not look at the height, you look at the rock. And you climb, one move at a time, from ledge to ledge.’ He explained all that Jaim had told him about exposure and the need to climb slowly and smoothly, conserving energy. She listened intently. Kaelin saw her turn back to look at the rock face.

‘We will be climbing into clouds,’ she said.

‘Yes. It will be cold and hazardous.’

‘Will you go first?’

Kaelin knew that he should. Experienced climbers always took the lead, working out the route. If he climbed second he risked Chara’s falling and dragging him down with her. Better that, he thought, than having to see her fall alone. ‘No,’ he told her. ‘You will go first. I will climb just below you. That way I can help you with footholds.’

Chara’s expression showed that she was still far from convinced. ‘Where do we start?’ she said.

Kaelin rose from the rock and walked along the cliff face, gauging the best route. Finally he stopped. Removing his stolen sabre he dropped it to the ground. ‘Take off your cloak and roll it into a bundle,’ he said. ‘Otherwise it will flap in the wind. I will tie it across your back.’

‘What about that greatcoat?’ she asked. ‘Is it not too heavy to’ climb in?’

‘I will need it when we reach the peaks. It will be cold up there. The coat is loose. If it proves too cumbersome I will ditch it later.’

Chara rolled the black cloak, then looped it over her shoulder and under her left arm, and fastened it with a brooch pin. Kaelin drew the pistols from the front of his belt, and tucked them in at the back. ‘Ready?’ he asked her.

‘Aye, I am.’ Her eyes were less swollen now, the bruises on her face fading.

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Categories: David Gemmell