As he was ushered into the room by a frightened serving girl Mejana rose. ‘You do my house great honour, lord,’ she said. ‘However, I cannot accommodate you for, as you know, the race laws are very harsh.’

He smiled. ‘My dear lady, let us not play games. The services of your entertainers are offered to any with the gold to purchase them. And that includes some of my Avatar colleagues. So let us not flirt with one another. Tell me the last time you saw Questor Baliel.’

‘My clients always respect the fact that I keep their confidences, lord,’ she said. ‘My house would not be filled were it known that I was loose-tongued.’

‘Oh very well,’ he said, sorrowfully. Drawing his dagger he moved towards her. ‘I shall cut the left breast from your body, you fat cow, and then we shall speak without games.’

‘Three weeks ago,’ she said. ‘He came three weeks ago.’

Viruk did not sheath his dagger. ‘What time did he leave?’

‘With your permission, lord, I would have to ask the … entertainer who kept him company. I do not always see my friends leave.’

‘Then do so.’

Mejana walked to the door and called out a young man’s name. Within moments he entered the room, and, seeing Viruk, bowed deeply. Mejana asked him about Baliel, and the time of his departure. The young man replied that it was just after midnight.

‘Did you walk with him to the door?’ asked Viruk.

‘No, lord. I fell asleep.’

Viruk asked the man’s name and his address and then allowed him to leave. ‘I trust,’ said Mejana, ‘you will not tell the noble Questor that we spoke of him. He is a very good client, and honours us with his presence.’

‘I doubt he will be honouring you again,’ said Viruk. ‘Who would know of his trysts here?’

‘He visits on the same two days every week, lord. I know

this, as do all my entertainers. He has a carriage waiting for him at the end of the Avenue, a walk of perhaps a half-mile. His driver would know, as would any who saw him leave. Has something happened to him?’

‘I expect so,’ said Viruk cheerfully. ‘He was a windbag and a blowhard. He will not be missed. Even so, the man was an Avatar, and therefore the investigation will continue. By the way, how much did he pay for his pleasures?’

‘Five gold pieces, lord.’

‘You must miss him greatly.’

‘I do not like to lose customers. I thought he had moved to one of the other cities. I know he has a house in Boria. Perhaps he has gone there.’

‘No one has seen him since he came to your brothel. Did you speak to him on that last night?’

‘Yes, lord.’

‘How did he seem?’

‘He was always happy here, lord. I sincerely hope he will be again.’

Viruk stared at her for a moment. She felt the intensity of his pale gaze and found that her heart was beating in panic. ‘I shall question the boy he slept with tomorrow. Send him to the Officers’ Building on Military Square. Have him ask for me.’

‘I will, lord. But I promise you he is a good lad and would not wish any harm on the Questor. He is very fond of him.’

Then he has nothing to fear.’

The following day the boy was crystal-drawn to death.

Mejana groaned as the pain flared once more. She could not move now and her eyelids were growing heavy. Death was whispering to her like a trusted lover.

On the news that the boy was dead she had walked to the warehouse and, with the aid of two strong men, had up-ended Baliel into a barrel of salt water. She had stood and watched as his legs thrashed around, the bubbles rising from his tortured lungs. The body was later thrown from the wharf.

She heard movement in the garden. A hand touched her. Heat roared through her chest and she cried out.

‘Be still, Mejana, and let me heal you.’

She opened her eyes and saw the village girl she had taken to the inn. ‘I am beyond healing,’ she said.

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Categories: David Gemmell