‘We are giving them up without a fight?’ said Niclin. ‘I don’t like the sound of that.’

‘You think I do?’ snapped Rael. ‘As Cas-Coatl so rightly pointed out we have fewer than two hundred Avatar soldiers, and only fifteen hundred trained Vagars. You may recall that the Council has always believed in – how did you put it, Caprishan? – the folly of having too large a Vagar force within the cities. Now we pay the price.’

‘I was not alone in my fears,’ said Caprishan.

‘No, you were not.’ Rael sighed. ‘And in many ways I agreed with you. But none of us could have foreseen the arrival of such an enemy. In the past our zhi-bows have more than compensated for lack of numbers. Not this time, I fear. All our efforts must be concentrated on Egaru and Pagaru,’ insisted Rael. ‘The walls of both are high and strong, and the power chests are here. In the short term we have two elements in our favour. Serpent Seven, under the command of Talaban, and one land-based Sunfire which, on my orders, Questor Ro has hidden, fully charged, in the Harbour Tower.’

Niclin interrupted him. ‘The Sunfire has not been charged or used in … what? … two hundred years. Even if it does not explode on first use, the enemy will see where the blast comes from and concentrate their attack upon the Harbour Tower. It will be a death-trap.’

‘In which case, cousin, you will finally be rid of me,’ said Ro, ‘for I shall be manning the weapon.’

‘I do not wish to see you die, Ro,’ said Niclin, softly. ‘We are rivals, and political enemies. But it would grieve me to see harm befall you.’ He turned to Rael. ‘What is it you wish me to do, cousin?’

‘Get to Pagaru before the enemy closes the estuary to us. Hold it to the last. Make them suffer for every inch of ground they take. You will have only sixty Avatar soldiers, but more than two hundred zhi-bows. Ensure a supply is always fully charged. Caprishan, you will go with Niclin. Your role is to ensure supplies continue to get through to the two cities, and also to Questor Anu. This will not be easy once the enemy has landed. The mist is due to be dropped tomorrow. Make sure a message gets to Anu about the situation here.’

Caprishan nodded. ‘Anu and his workforce are twenty miles inland. We cannot protect him.’

‘He will need no protection,’ said Rael. ‘Any of the enemy who cross the mist will rot and die within a few heartbeats. The danger will come when he drops the mist to allow supplies through. You must see if there is any way he can create a secret channel through it.’

‘I will, cousin, but surely if he can wield such power in the valley he could wield it here? Could he not lay a line of mist before the cities, destroying our enemies as they land?’

Rael shook his head. ‘He would not contemplate it,’ he said. ‘Anu is not a killer. And there is no way I can force him into such an act. Believe me, I have tried. Now are there any further questions?’ The Questors remained silent. ‘Good. Let us be about our business, my friends, and may the Source bless our endeavours.’

* * *

Within the hour the evacuation had begun. Vagar troops moved through the streets, ushering bewildered city dwellers from their homes. There were some arguments, but the presence of blue-haired Avatar councillors quelled the crowds. No-one wanted to be arrested for civil dis­obedience and subsequently crystal-drawn. Assurances were made that Vagar troops would patrol the deserted areas, protecting homes and possessions from looters.

But it was a slow business, and as the two-hour deadline approached more than a thousand homes had yet to be cleared. Refugees choked the roads and avenues, and more than once fights broke out, once as a wheel fell from a heavily laden wagon, causing the line to stall, and again when a Vagar merchant tried to spur his horse through the throng. A woman was hurled to the ground and her husband dragged the merchant from his mount and began to beat upon him with his fists. Vagar troops moved in on both occasions.

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Categories: David Gemmell