Niclin shook his head. Rael swung towards Ro. ‘What about you, Questor?’

The little man tugged his forked blue beard. ‘What she says is true. Our day is almost done. We cannot survive alone against the Almecs and, in truth, we could no longer quell an uprising among the Vagars. The only question that really remains is how this exchange of power will be organized.’

Mejana rose. ‘May I speak?’ she asked Sofarita.

Sofarita nodded, and Mejana turned to Rael. ‘Earlier today I was stabbed and lay dying,’ she said. ‘By an agent of Ammon who did not want me to meet Sofarita. Happily she arrived at my home and restored me to health. Being so close to death made me see many things differently. I was, it is true, consumed by hatred for the Avatar – and I still despise you. The only way you could justify your vampire lives was to think of us as sub-humans. I understand that. I loathe it, but I understand it. But it ends here. From this day no human being of any race will be crystal-drawn. All Vagars currently awaiting trial on race laws will be released forthwith. The race laws will be rescinded from today. A new High Council will be elected from among the Vagar and the Avatar. Since there is little time for elections to be made by the people I shall nominate the Vagars to sit upon the first council. You, Questor General, will nominate the Avatar councillors. The balance will be even, sixteen from each group. You, as the Questor General, will have the deciding vote on all matters military and civil.’

Rael stood silently for a moment, then he nodded. ‘As you say, so let it be. We will meet, with you and your representatives, at the Council Chamber this evening.’ He turned to Sofarita. ‘And now perhaps you will tell me what you have seen of the enemy?’

‘Even as we speak,’ said Sofarita, ‘they are attacking Ammon’s capital. It will fall within hours. Another force has landed further east, and marches inland. Two other armies have beached their ships to the south.’

‘How many men?’

‘Altogether the eastern armies number three thousand, the southern force double that. And more ships are coming every day.’

‘I have sent Viruk to fetch Ammon,’ said Rael. ‘Is there anything you can do to help him?’

‘I will try,’ said Sofarita.

Rael looked at Mejana. ‘I will see you and your people this evening,’ he said. Gesturing to Niclin he walked towards the door.

‘Wait, Questor General,’ said Sofarita. He paused and glanced back at her. ‘I want your promise that neither you nor any other under your command will seek to harm Mejana or any of her people.’

‘What oath would you have me give?’ he asked.

‘Swear it – on the soul of your daughter, Chryssa.’

Rael blanched. ‘I so swear,’ he said, then stalked from the room.

‘Did he mean it?’ asked Mejana.

‘Yes, though he will seek to find a way around it before the end.’

‘As I suspected.’

‘Now you will give me the same oath,’ said Sofarita. There must be no more attacks on Avatars. Your time has come, Mejana. Accept victory with magnanimity. No more thoughts of revenge.’

‘I so swear,’ said the fat woman. ‘And now I must go.’

As she left the room Questor Ro approached Sofarita. 1 fear I am no longer in favour with my colleagues,’ he

said. ‘Rael did not ask me to accompany him, and I do not think I will be invited to sit on the new council.’ He saw that she was pensive. ‘What is wrong?’

‘Rael believes he is making a short-lived alliance. He is putting his faith in Anu’s new pyramid. When that is complete he plans to seize back power. As for Mejana, she dreams of a day when all Avatars can be dragged from their homes and put under the knife. Their hatred, their prejudices are deeper than oceans.’

‘Why did you not change them, as you changed me?’

‘If I had done so they would have become alienated from the people who serve them. As it is, both groups follow leaders whose views reflect their own. Come, let us walk in the garden and breathe in the scent of blooms.’

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Categories: David Gemmell