‘Many armies,’ said the officer.

‘Have you attacked the Avatars?’

‘The Blue-haired ones? Yes. Their cities will fall, as did yours. No-one can withstand the armies of the goddess.’

‘Well,’ said Ammon, with a smile, ‘they are the only questions I have. So, let us get on with it.’ While speak­ing he moved in closer to the officer. Before the man realized he was in danger Ammon sprang forward, wrenched the officer’s golden dagger from his belt, curled an arm around the man’s neck and pressed the point of the blade under his chin. ‘Now,’ said the king, ‘I think we should renegotiate our position.’

‘You don’t understand,’ said the officer, as if speaking to a child. ‘This will avail you nothing. My men will simply shoot me, and take my life force for the queen. Then my life eternal will begin earlier than I had thought.’

Ignoring him, but keeping the knife in place, Ammon looked at the soldiers. The three men had aimed their fire-clubs at the officer. ‘Put down the weapons, or he dies,’ Ammon told them. Before they could answer, the officer thrust his neck down onto the dagger. The blade pierced his jugular. Bright blood spouted over Ammon’s hand. The officer spasmed. Ammon pulled the dagger clear and held the man’s body as a shield.

At that moment there was a great roar from outside the cave – then a blinding burst of light. Blood, fur and bone sprayed across the entrance. Startled, the soldiers swung away. A dark-clad figure leapt into view and dived into the cave. The fire-clubs exploded. The dark figure lifted a zhi-bow. Two bolts flew from it. Two soldiers died horribly. The third threw down his fire-club, drew a sword and ran at the archer. Dropping his bow the warrior leapt to meet him, drawing a thin-bladed dagger from its sheath. The sword slashed down. The warrior swayed aside and rammed his dagger into the Almec’s right eye. As the body fell the warrior dragged his knife clear and wiped the blade on the Almec’s tunic. ‘I am Viruk,’ he said with a wide smile.

‘What in Heaven’s name have you done to your hair?’ asked the king, staring at the red mud which caked Viruk’s head.

‘It’s a disguise,’ said Viruk. ‘I was trying to look like one of your people. It didn’t work too well, did it?’

‘We don’t actually use river mud, Viruk. The clay is mixed with various colours, perfumed, and then applied by a skilled barber.’ He stepped in close and peered at the matted mess. ‘And we usually remove the ants … and the cattle droppings.’

‘Perhaps I’ll start a new fashion,’ said Viruk cheerfully. ‘Who is this?’ he asked, nodding towards Anwar.

‘My First Councillor, Anwar. The other man is—’

‘I know who he is,’ said Viruk with a chuckle. ‘How are you, potter? How come you’re still alive?’

‘I don’t know, lord,’ wailed Sadau. ‘It is a mystery to me.’

‘Probably born under a lucky star like me. Well, come on, man, get on your feet. We’ve a long way to go.’

‘And where, pray, do you think we are going?’ asked Ammon.

‘Back to Egaru. The Questor General ordered me to bring you there safely. He also told me that the Avatars are to offer you every assistance against the newcomers.’

‘I will march with my own army,’ said Ammon.

‘Wait, sire,’ said Anwar. ‘It might be best to change our plans. I can go to the army, and bring them to Egaru. It would be a great weight taken from me if I knew you were already safe there.’

‘Safe with the Avatars? Now there is a novel thought.’

‘You know the old saying, sire? The enemy of my enemy must therefore be my friend? It could not be more true. The Avatar have many weapons and their cities are strong. Once your people know that you still live they will flock to your battle standard – wherever it is raised.’

‘Very well,’ said Ammon. ‘I accept your offer, Viruk. I take it you have horses close by?’


‘It will be a long walk.’

‘Ah, but it will be made in the very best of company,’ said Viruk, hauling the little potter upright and clapping him on the shoulder. ‘Isn’t that right, Sadau?’

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Categories: David Gemmell