HS 3 – The Elf Queen of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

oned Wren. The marks of his passing are still evident. I can track him.

She let Garth assume the lead with Stresa a half step behind,

the former searching for signs of their quarry’s passing, the latter

keeping watch for Darters and other dangers. Their quarry, Wren

thought, repeating the words. Gavilan had been reduced to that.

She felt pity for him in spite of herself, thinking he should have

stayed within the city, reasoning she should have done more to

keep him safe, still wishing for what could never be.

They progressed more slowly now. Gavilan had given up his

efforts to bypass the In Ju and plunged directly in. What signs

they found-broken twigs and small branches, vegetation dis-

turbed, an occasional print-suggested he had abandoned any

attempt at stealth and was simply trying to reach the beaches

by the shortest possible route. Speed over caution was a poor

choice, Wren thought to herself. They tracked him steadily,

without difficulty, and at each turn Wren expected to find him,

the chase concluded and the inevitable confirmed. But somehow

he kept going, evading the pitfalls that were scattered every-

where, the bogs and sinkholes, the Darters, the things that lay

in wait for the unwary, and the traps and the monsters made of

the Elven magic he so foolishly thought to wield. How he man-

aged to stay alive, Wren could only wonder. He should have

been dead a dozen times over. A step either way, and he would

have been. She found herself wishing it would happen, that he

would make that one mistake and that the madness would cease.

She hated what they were doing, hunting him like an animal,

chasing after him as if he were prey. She wanted it to stop.

At the same time, she dreaded what it would take to make

that happen.

When they began to catch sight of the Wisteron’s webbing,

she despaired. Not like that, she found herself pleading with what-

ever fate controlled such things. Give him a quick end. Trip lines

were strung all about, draped from the trees, looped along

the vines, and attached in deadly nets. Stresa retook the lead

from Garth in order to guide them past the snares, pausing often

to listen, to sniff the air, and to judge the safety of the land

ahead. The jungle thickened into a maze of green fronds and

dark trunks that crisscrossed one another in jigsaw fashion.

Shadows moved slowly and ponderously about them, but the

sounds they made were anxious and hungry. The afternoon

shortened toward evening, and it grew dark. Far distant, screened

by the mountain they had descended, Killeshan rumbled.

Tremorc shook the island, and the jungle’s green haze shivered

with the echo. Explosions began to sound, muffled still, but

growing stronger. Whole trees trembled with the reverbera-

tions, and steam geysered out of swamp pools, hissing with

relief. As the light darkened, Wren could see through the

ever-present haze of vog and mist the sky above Killeshan turn


It has begun, she thought as Garth’s worried eyes met her


She wondered how much time was left to them. Even if they

regained the Staff, it was still another two days to the beach.

Would Tiger Ty be there waiting? How often had he promised

he would come? Once a week, wasn’t it? What if a whole week

must pass before he was scheduled to return? Would he see the

volcano’s glare and sense the danger to them?

Or had he given up his vigil long ago, convinced that she

had failed, that she had died like all the others and that there

was no point in searching further?

She shook her head in stern admonishment. No, not Tiger

Ty. She judged him a better man than that. He would not give

up, she told herself. Not until there was no hope left.

“Phhffttt! We have to stop soon,” Stresa warned. “Hssstt.

Find shelter before it grows any darker, before the Wisteron


“A little farther,” Wren suggested hopefully.

They went on, but Gavilan Elessedil was not to be found.

His ragged trail stretched before them, worming ahead into the

In Ju, a line of bent and broken stalks and leaves disappearing

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