HS 3 – The Elf Queen of Shannara by Brooks, Terry

“Can’t you smell the dead things?”

“What’s back there?”

“Ssssttt! How would I know that, Wren of the Elves? I’m still


She ignored his glare. “We’ll take a look. If we can talk, we

will. If not, we will withdraw and decide what to do.”

She looked at Garth and Triss in turn to be certain they

understood, then straightened. Faun clung to her like a second

skin. She was going to have to put the Tree Squeak down before

she went much farther.

They burrowed ahead through the grasses and into the col-

lapsing trees. Orps appeared from everywhere now, scattering

at their approach. They looked like giant silverfish, quick and

soundless as they disappeared into earth and wood. Wren tried

to ignore them, but it was difficult. The surface water of the

swamp bubbled and spit about them, the first sound they had

heard in some time. Killeshan’s reach was lengthening. They

passed out of the grasses and through the trees, the gloom set-

tling down about them in layers. It went still again, the air empty

and dead. Wren breathed slowly, deeply. Her hand tightened

about the Elfstones.

Then they were through the stand of acacia and moving

across a mud flat to a cluster of huge fir whose limbs wrapped

about one another in close embrace. Strands of webbing hung

everywhere, and as they neared the far side of the flats Wren

caught sight of bones scattered along the fringe of the trees.

Orps darted right and left, skimming the surface of the flats,

disappearing into the foliage ahead.

Stresa had slowed their pace to a crawl.

They gained the edge of the flats, eased down through an

opening in the trees on hands and knees, and froze.

Beyond the trees lay a deep ravine, an island of rock sus-

pended within the swamp. The fir trees lifted from its bedding

in a jumble of dark trunks that looked as if they had been lashed

together with hundreds of webs. Dead things hung in the webs,

and bones littered the ravine floor. Orps crawled over every-

thing, a shimmering carpet of movement. The light was gray

and diffuse above the ravine, filtered down to faint shadows by

the vog and mist. The smell of death hung over everything,

captured within the rocks and trees and haze. It was quiet within

the Wisteron’s lair. Except for the scurrying Orps, nothing


Wren felt Garth’s hand grip her shoulder. She glanced over

and saw him point.

Gavilan Elessedil hung spread-eagle in a hammock of web-

bing across from them, his blue eyes lifeless and staring, his

mouth open in a silent scream. He had been gutted, his torso

split from chest to stomach. Within the empty cavity, his ribs

gleamed dully. All of his body fluids had been drained. What

remained was little more than a husk, a grotesque, frightening

parody of a man.

Wren had seen much of death in her short life, but she was

unprepared for this. Don’t look! she admonished herself franti-

cally. Don’t remember him like this! But she did look and knew as

she did that she would never forget.

Garth touched her a second time, pointing down into the

ravine. She peered without seeing at first, then caught sight of

the Ruhk Staff. It lay directly beneath what remained of Gavi-

Ian, resting on the carpet of old bones. Orps crawled over it

mindlessly. The Loden was still fixed to its tip.

Wren nodded in response, already wondering how they

could reach the talisman. Her gaze shifted abruptly, searching

once more.

Where was the Wisteron?

Then she saw it, high in the branches of the trees at one

end of the ravine, suspended in a net of its own webbing, mo-

tionless in the haze. It was curled into a huge ball, its legs tucked

under it, and it had the curious appearance of a dirty cloud. It

was covered with spiked hair, and it blended with the haze. It

seemed to be sleeping.

Wren fought down the rush of fear that seeing it triggered.

She glanced hurriedly at the others. They were all looking. The

Wisteron shifted suddenly, a straightening out of its surprisingly

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