LEGEND by David A. Gemmell

‘And what will that force US to face?’

‘Our doubts,’ whispered Serbitar.

‘But you never thought that such doubt would come to you, so sure were you of your god-like powers?’

‘Yes, I was sure. Now I am not. Is this such a great sin?’

‘You know it is not. Why am I alive, my boy? Why did I not die with Magnar’s Thirty two decades ago?’

‘You were the One chosen to found the new temple.’

‘Why was I chosen?’

‘You were the most perfect. It has to be so.’

‘Then why was I not the leader?’

‘I do not understand you.’

‘How is the leader chosen?’

‘I know not. You have never said.’

‘Then guess, Serbitar.’

‘Because he is the best choice. The most . . .’


‘I would have said so, but I see where you are leading. If you were the most perfect, why did Magnar lead? Well, why did he?’

‘You have seen the future, you should have seen and heard this conversation. You tell me.’

‘You know that I did not,’ said Serbitar. ‘There was no time for study of the minutiae.’

‘Oh, Serbitar, still you will not understand! What you saw and chose to examine was the minutiae, the meaningless and the trivial. What does it mean to the history of this planet that this Dros falls? How many other castles have fallen throughout the ages? Of what cosmic importance was their failure? How vital are our deaths?’

Tell me then, my lord Abbot, how is the leader chosen?’

‘Have you not guessed at it, my son?’

‘I believe so,’

‘Then speak.’

‘He is the least perfect of the acolytes,’ said Serbi­tar, softly, his green eyes searching Vintar’s face and begging denial.

‘He is the least perfect,’ echoed Vintar sadly.

‘But why?’ asked Serbitar.

‘So that his task will be the more difficult, the more demanding. To give him the chance to rise and match the position he holds.’

‘And I have failed?’

‘Not yet, Serbitar. Not yet.’


Day by day more people left the siege city, piling their possessions on to carts, wagons or the backs of mules and forming convoys that snaked their way inland towards the relative security of the Skoda mountains and the capital beyond.

With each departure now, fresh problems faced the defenders. Fighting men had to be seconded to other duties such as latrine clearance, stores supply and food preparation. Now the drain on resources came on two fronts.

Druss was furious and insisted the gates be closed, the evacuation stopped. Rek pointed out that even more soldiers would then be needed to police the south road.

Then the first disaster of the campaign struck the defenders.

On the High Day of Summer – ten weeks after the battle began – Musif fell and chaos reigned. The Nadir breached the wall at the centre, driving a wedge into the killing ground beyond. The men, threatened with encirclement, fell back and raced for the fire gullies. Running skirmishes began as discipline fled, and two gully bridges collapsed as warriors milled upon them.

On Kania, Wall Three, Rek waited as long as he dared before ordering the gullies lit with flame arrows. Druss, Orrin and Hogun scrambled to safety just as the blaze took. But beyond the gully more than eight hundred Drenai warriors battled on hope­lessly in tight shield rings which grew smaller moment by moment. Many on Kania turned away, un­able to bear the sight of their friends’ futile battles. Rek stood with fists clenched and watched in despair, the fighting did not last long. Hopelessly outnumbered, the Drenai were engulfed and the battle song of victory was sung by thousands of tribesmen.

They gathered before the flames chanting, waving blood-stained swords and axes in the air. Few on the walls understood the words, but understanding was unnecessary. The message was primal, the meaning clear. It struck the heart and soul with blistering clarity.

‘What do they sing?’ Rek asked Druss, as the old man recovered his breath following the long rope climb to the ramparts.

‘It’s their Glory chant:

Nadir we,




victors still.’

Beyond the fire tribesmen burst into the field hospi­tal, slaying men in their beds and dragging others out into the sunlight where they could be seen by their comrades on the wall. Then they were pepper­ed with arrows, or slowly dismembered, One was even nailed to the window shutters of the barracks, to hang screaming for two hours before being disem­bowelled and beheaded.

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Categories: David Gemmell