LEGEND by David A. Gemmell

‘I request the right to see Gan Orrin!’

‘As you will. But at the end of today I will have a new Dun for Falcon. Now to business. I want each of you – you included, Hedes – to pick your two strongest men. The best you have at hand-to-hand wrestling, bare-knuckle, whatever. They will have their chance to knock me from my feet. That should lighten the mood. Get to it!’

Dun Mendar called Gilad to him as he returned to his group, then squatted down among the men to outline Druss’s idea. Chuckles came from various soldiers as men volunteered swiftly. The noise grew as men clamoured for the right to down the old warrior, and Druss laughed aloud as he sat apart from the men, peeling an orange. At last the pairs were selected and he heaved himself to his feet.

‘There is an object to this little exercise, but I shall explain that later on. For now, look upon it as light entertainment,’ said Druss, hands on hips. ‘However, I find the audience is always more alert if there is something to be won, so I will offer a free afternoon to any group whose champions down me.’ A cheer greeted this and he went on, ‘Mind you, those that don’t down me will run an additional two miles,’ and grinned again as the groans erupted.

‘Don’t be such faint-hearts. What do you have before you? Here is one old, fat man. We will start with the Bild pair.’

The men could have been twins; both were huge, black-bearded, with massively muscled arms and shoulders. Stripped of their armour, they appeared as formidable a pair of warriors as could be seen among the groups.

‘Right, my lads,’ said Druss, ‘you can wrestle, or punch, or kick or gouge. Begin when you’re ready.’ The old man doffed his jerkin as he spoke and the Bild pair circled slowly, relaxed and smiling. Once on either side of the old man they lunged. Druss dropped to one knee, ducking under a round-house right, then slammed his hand up into the man’s groin, grabbing his shirt-front with the other hand and hurling him into his comrade. Both men col­lapsed to the ground, arms entwined.

Curses exploded from the Bild men seated around the circle, to be drowned by jeers from the other groups.

‘Next, Gorbadac!’ announced Druss. The two advanced more warily than their predecessors, then the tallest one dived towards Druss’s middle with arms outstretched. The axeman’s knee came up to meet him and he sagged to the grass. The second attacked almost immediately, only to be backhanded contemptuously across the cheek. He tripped over his fallen comrade and fell heavily. The first man was unconscious and had to be carried to the back of the circle.

‘Now, Falcon!’ said Druss. This time he watched them advance, then bellowed at the top of his voice and charged. The first man’s mouth fell open in surprise, the second took a backward step and tripped. Druss hit the first man with a straight left; he went down and lay still.

‘Karnak?’ said Druss. Gilad and Bregan entered the circle. Druss had seen the dark one before and liked the look of him. A born warrior, the old man had thought. He enjoyed seeing the look of hatred the boy threw at him every time he laughed at him, and liked the way he had dropped back to help Orrin. Druss flicked his gaze to the second man. Surely here was an error? The chubby one was no fighter, nor would ever be – good-natured and tough, but never a warrior.

Gilad launched himself forward and checked as Druss raised his fists. Druss twisted to keep him in vision; then hearing a sound from behind, he whirled to see the fat one attack, trip, and fall sprawling at his feet. Chuckling he swung back to Gilad – turning into a flying kick that hammered into his chest. He took a backward step to brace himself, but the fat one had rolled behind him and Druss hit the ground with a grunt.

A massive roar rose from two hundred throats. Druss smiled and rolled to his feet smoothly, holding up a hand for silence.

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Categories: David Gemmell