LEGEND by David A. Gemmell

‘I want you to think about what you’ve seen today, my lads,’ said Druss, ‘for it wasn’t only fun. You have seen what one man can do, and you have also seen what a simple bit of teamwork can achieve.

‘Now, when the Nadir are swarming over the walls you will all be hard pressed to defend yourselves – but you’ve got to do more than that. You’ve got to protect your comrades where you can, for no warrior has a defence against a sword in the back. I want each of you to find a sword brother. You don’t have to be friends – that will come. But you need understanding and you need to work at it. You will protect each other’s backs when the assault comes, so make your choices well. Those of you who lose a sword brother when the fighting starts, find another. Failing that, do what you can for the men around you.

‘I have been a warrior for more than forty years – twice as long as most of you have lived. Bear that in mind. What I say is of value – for I have survived.

‘There is only one way to survive in war, and that is by being willing to die. You will find soon that fine swordsmen can be downed by untutored savages who would slice their fingers if asked to carve meat. And how? Because the savage is willing. Worse, he may be baresark.

‘The man who takes a backward step against a Nadir warrior is stepping into eternity. Meet them head to head, savage to savage.

‘You have heard it said that this is a lost cause and you will hear it again. I have heard it a thousand times in a hundred lands.

‘Mostly you hear it from faint-hearts, and can ignore it. Often, however, you will hear it from seasoned veterans. Ultimately such prophecies are worthless.

‘There are half a million Nadir warriors. An awe­some figure! One to numb the mind. But the walls are only so long and so wide. They cannot all come over at once. We will kill them as they do, and we will kill hundreds more as they climb. And day by day we will wear them down.

‘You are going to lose friends, comrades, bro­thers. You are going to lose sleep. You are going to lose blood. Nothing about the next few months will be easy.

‘I am not going to talk about patriotism, duty, liberty and the defence of freedom – because that’s all dung to a soldier.

‘I want you to think about survival. And the best way you can do that is to look down on the Nadir when they arrive and think to yourselves: “There are fifty men down there just for me. And one by one, by all the Gods, I’ll cut them down.”

‘As for me . . . well, I’m a seasoned campaigner. I’ll take a hundred.’ Druss took a deep breath, allow­ing time for his words to sink in.

‘Now,’ he said, at last, ‘you can get back to your duties – with the exception of Group Karnak.’ Turn­ing, he saw Hogun and as the men hauled themselves to their feet, he walked back towards the mess hall of Wall One with the young general.

‘A nice speech,’ said Hogun. ‘It sounded very similar to the one you gave this morning at Wall Three.’

‘You haven’t been very attentive, laddie,’ said Druss. ‘I have given that speech six times since yes­terday. And I’ve been knocked down three times. I’m as dry as a sand lizard’s belly.’

‘I will stand you a bottle of Vagrian in the mess hall,’ said Hogun. ‘They don’t serve Lentrian at this end of the Dros – it’s too pricey.’

‘It will do. I see you have regained your good humour.’

‘Aye. You were right about the Earl’s burial. Just too damned quick about being right, that’s all,’ said Hogun.

‘What does that mean?’

‘Just what it says. You have a way, Druss, of turning your emotions on and off. Most men lack that. It makes you seem what Mendar called you – cold-hearted.’

‘I don’t like the phrase – but it fits,’ said Druss, pushing open the door to the mess hall. ‘I mourned Delnar as he lay dying. But once dead, he’s gone. And I’m still here. And there’s a damned long way to go yet.’

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Categories: David Gemmell