LEGEND by David A. Gemmell

‘Names you yourself invented, my Lord, I think.’

‘True. But then a leader must know all the wea­pons of war. And there are many which owe nothing to the lance and sword, the bow and the sling. The Word steals men’s souls, while the sword kills only their bodies. Men see me and know fear – it is a potent device.’

‘Some weapons turn on their users, my Lord. I have . . .’ The man suddenly stuttered to silence.

‘Speak, Ogasi! What ails you?’

‘The Drenai, my Lord! They are in the camp!’ said Ogasi, his eyes wide in disbelief. Ulric spun in his chair. Everywhere the circles were breaking as men stood to watch the Earl of Bronze striding towards the Lord of the Nadir.

Behind him in ranks came sixteen men in silver armour, and behind them a Legion Gan walking beside a blonde warrior bearing a long-bow.

The drums petered to silence and all eyes swung from the Drenai group to the seated warlord. Ulric’s eyes narrowed as he saw that the men were armed. Panic welled in his breast but he forced it down, his mind racing. Would they just walk up and slay him? He heard the hiss of Ogasi’s blade leaving its scab­bard and raised a hand.

‘No, my friend. Let them approach.’

‘It is madness, Lord,’ whispered Ogasi, as the Drenai drew nearer.

‘Pour wine for our guests. The time to kill them will come after the feast. Be prepared.’


Ulric gazed down from his raised throne into the grey-blue eyes of the Earl of Bronze. The man had forsaken his helm but otherwise was fully armoured, the great sword of Egel hanging at his side. His companions stood back, awaiting events. There was little sign of tension, though the Legion general Ulric knew as Hogun had his hand resting lightly on his sword hilt and was watching Ogasi keenly.

‘Why are you here?’ asked Ulric. ‘You are not welcome in my camp.’

The Earl looked slowly about him and then returned the gaze of the Nadir warlord.

‘It is strange,’ he said, ‘how a battle can change a man’s perspectives. Firstly, I am not in your camp, I am standing on Delnoch ground and that is mine by right – it is you who are on my lands. Be that as it may, for tonight you are welcome. As to why I am here? My friends and I have come to bid farewell to Druss the Legend – Deathwalker. Is Nadir hospi­tality so poor that no refreshment is offered us?’

Ogasi’s hand strayed towards his sword once more. The Earl of Bronze did not move.

‘If that sword is drawn,’ he said softly, ‘I will remove his head.’

Ulric waved Ogasi back.

‘Do you think to leave here alive?’ he asked Rek.

‘If I so choose – yes,’ replied the Earl.

‘And I have no say in this matter?’


‘Truly? Now you intrigue me. All around you are Nadir bowmen. At my signal, your bright armour will be hidden by black-shafted arrows. And you say I cannot?’

‘If you can, then order it,’ demanded the Earl. Ulric moved his gaze to the archers. Arrows were ready and many bows were already bent, their iron points glittering in the firelight.

‘Why can I not order it?’ he asked.

‘Why have you not?’ countered the Earl.

‘Curiosity. What is the real purpose of your visit? Have you come to slay me?’

‘No. If I wished, I could have slain you as I killed your shaman: silently, invisibly. Your head would now be a worm-filled shell. There is no duplicity here – I came to honour my friend. Will you offer me hospitality or shall I return to my fortress?’

‘Ogasi!’ called Ulric.

‘My Lord?’

‘Fetch refreshments for the Earl and his followers. Order the archers back to their fires and let the entertainment continue.’

‘Yes, Lord,’ said Ogasi dubiously.

Ulric gestured the Earl to the throne at his side. Rek nodded and turned to Hogun: ‘Go and enjoy yourselves. Return for me in an hour.’

Hogun saluted and Rek watched his small group wander off around the camp. He smiled as Bowman leaned over a seated Nadir and lifted a goblet of Lyrrd. The man stared when he saw his drink disappear, then laughed as Bowman drained it without a splutter.

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Categories: David Gemmell