Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

`Permission to come aboard, Captain,’ Thian said, nudging Rojer sharply with his elbow, because he’d seen who was in the welcoming committee. Ashiant himself. Brother, are we getting the treatment!

`Permission to come aboard, Captain Ashiant,’ Rojer blurted out.

`Permission granted, Primes, and very glad to have you two aboard,’ Ashiant said, stepping forward as Thian and Rojer stood on the deck. He then helped the `Dinis scramble out. `The rest of your team is reported on its way so we can get The Washington and there was great satisfaction and pride in Ashiant’s voice as he named his new command, `out to where she’s supposed to be most effective.

GREAT PLEASURE TO SERVE WITH YOU AGAIN, CAPTAIN SPKTM,’ both Rojer and Thian said to the large `Dini to whom their friends were making proper obeisance.

THIS ONE ASKED FOR YOU, THN, RJR. WITH YOUR HELP WE WILL OVERCOME,’ Captain Spktm replied, bending its poll eye in a complimentarily flattering fashion.

`Prime Thian, you will notice a few friendly faces have followed me to the Washington, but we’ll leave that until dinner, when we’ve made the initial push,’ Ashiant went on.

He can’t wait, can he? Rojer said in private amusement to his brother.

Nor can we, added Earth Prime. Work now, play later, boys.

Another carrier was deposited in the cradle beside theirs. Clancy Sparrow sprang out, repeating the traditional request to board.

Ashiant welcomed him and Clancy’s `Dinis made their courtesies to Spktm.

As Captain Ashiant nodded to ratings standing near by to handle the duffies of the new arrivals, he gestured for the Talents to follow him and Captain Spktm, Clancy bringing up the rear.

`You’ll want to learn the intricacies of the Washington’s many decks and facilities, Primes – ` and he gave Thian a long look.

`I was afraid you’d hold that against me for ever, Captain Ashiant,’ Thian said with a broad grin.

`Well, it made naval history,’ and Ashiant turned to Rojer. `Has your brother ever told you how much protocol he shattered the first hour he was aboard my old command?’ `Sir, you should have heard what Dad had to say about it, and he’s not even navy,’ Rojer said mendaciously but with a broad smile.

`It’s good to know you will not try to outdo him.

`Me, sir, no, sir. That’s not what I do best.’ `And what do you do best, Prime Rojer?’ `Classified, sir.’ Ashiant regarded Rojer with the same cynical look he had once levelled at Thian.

`I see that this trip is going to be instructive – – – for all of us,’ and there was warning in that mild remark.

There was only the one short walk to a turbo-lift and then another dog-leg down a carpeted corridor clearly in officer territory before Ashiant stopped at a double door, guarded by two marines who immediately braced to attention.

`These accommodations were specifically designed for the use of Talents, Primes, so if you’ll press the palms and Ashiant nodded to the security pad. Thian, Rojer and Clancy laid their hands on it.

`Sir, you will need access, too,’ Thian said, `she’s your ship.’ Ashiant nodded and placed his palm on the pad as well. `I appreciate the courtesy.

Then Thian pressed once again and the double doors slid apart.

With considerably more poise than they were inwardly feeling, the young men walked into a large lounge, the captains following.

`This is sinfully luxurious,’ Thian said, glancing around at the appointments of the room. Doors, slightly ajar on either side of the lounge, showed sleeping accommodations but there were two doors in front of them that were not open, and one set cater-cornered on the left-hand side.

Now Ashiant strode across the lounge. `This, – and he opened it with a palm pressed to the door’s pad, `is your Washington Tower, if you will, and this,’ he opened the second room, `a ready room, while that,’ and now he pointed to the cater-cornered one, `is the access corridor to the bridge. So you’re right on top of everything.’ `This is all much more than we had any right to expect, Captain,’ Thian said, making a bow of appreciation.

`Earth Prime’s orders,’ Ashiant replied with an expressionless face which altered to a smiling one. `No more than you deserve for the services you supply an entire fleet. If you’ll assemble the rest of the team you have aboard immediately,’ and he gestured to the intercom system in the Tower room, `we can get going.’ `Right, sir,’ Thian said.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne