Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

Before any of the three could even thank Jeff Raven, his contact was broken.

`That’s just like him, too, Thian said with a grimace of chagrin.

`He plops exactly what you’ve dreamed of in your lap and bounces off before you can thank him.

`Maybe,’ Rojer suggested with unusual ambivalence, we won’t thank him in the long run. That damned Operation Illuminate ought to have been a snap and it turned out to be a hang-over from the Spanish Inquisition.

`The what?’ asked Flavia.

`I thought you knew all about saints, Flavia,’ Rojer replied, grinning. `And I want to thank you for wanting Zara and Asia along. I really didn’t fancy them on a pursuit mission – – `I’ll work their butts off;’ Flavia said, being quite serious as she rose from her couch. Then she grinned.

`I thought it was worth a try, but I never believed Earth Prime would let me have them. And Mallen and Jes.

They’re both in such stultifing jobs and I know they’re capable of much more. And if that’s nepotism, I really don’t care!’ She gave her head a sharp nod.

`Good on you, Flavia,’ Thian said. `And now, let’s assume slightly lugubrious expressions and try hard to enjoy these last hours before the booms of hard work and long separation fall on our innocent heads.’ Rojer made a derisive noise.

`It is going to be hard work at that,’ Flavia said and started down the Tower steps.

The two brothers rolled their eyes at her pragmatism and, taking the steps three at a time, reached the ground level before she did.

Rojer opened the door while Thian in his easy fashion. `Done your lesson? Let’s all go waved Flavia through it with an exaggerated flourish of hand, arm and leg.

`Great Stars above!’ Rojer said, stopping so short that Flavia nearly bumped into him. `Whaddawe tell the parents?’ `What’s to tell?

Our leave of absence is over. Grandfather is having us report to Blundell Cube at 0800 tomorrow,’ Thian said in an airy tone and started down the outer Tower steps. `Hi, Asia, has Xexo let you get your hands oily yet?’ `Yes, he did,’ the slender girl said with an air of startled delight on her face. `I greased and lubed one of the back-up turbines.

Xexo made me do it by myself. Though I had the manual open all the time!’ `As you should when working with unfamiliar machinery,’ Rojer said but grinned so proudly down at her that, for once, she didn’t retreat into her usual shyness. `Which one? The 8-32-XR? Or the 184-QJ?’ `The QJ,’ she said equably. `It’s not that great a model but Xexo says it’s given very good service with a minimum of trouble.

`That’s all to the good when you don’t have easy access to spare parts.

`You know very well that you’d have to make spare parts for the QJ,’ she said, tilting her head up to Rojer with a grin for his forge fulness.

`And have done, now you mention it.’ Asia cocked her head at him, a smile wanting to appear on her lips. `Did you have good news?’ `Yes,’ and Rojer turned to both Thian and Flavia for support since her question took him a bit unawares, `I’d guess you’d say we have.’ He heaved a resigned sigh.

`But vacation’s over.’ `Back to Blundell Cube in the morning,’ Thian said swim!’ If, occasionally, their parents regarded them oddly as departure preparations were undertaken, the newly gazetted trio managed to keep shields up and excitement down to an acceptable level.

There had been a bit of a flurry from Damia to know that Asia as well as Zara and Clancy were to report to Blundell. Rhodri was surprised but delighted to get orders from his superiors to report to the navy base for reassignment.

A last long ride at sunset brought what Afra jokingly called the `Raven-Lyon cavalry’ back with appetites capable of dealing with the masses of food that had been prepared. Even Petra was allowed a sip of the sparkling wine that was served as a special accompaniment to the feast. The evening was so convivial that even Kincaid appeared totally relaxed and smiled more often. It was, of course, possible that Rojer filled Asia’s glass more often than necessary but she, too, beamed happily about and laughed at every joke, even the ones she didn’t quite understand which Rojer would then explain quietly in her ear.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne