Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

As I was saying, The Washington has been assigned as flagship, with an escort of six Galaxy class and four destroyers, all armed with the new Hive hull-piercing missiles. There’re two more spheres to be tracked down. Jeff paused, allowing his listeners to absorb that.

Then there’s a second expedition, equally as important to the High Council, by the way, as the Washington’s mission, to explore and evaluate the M-5 class worlds which the Hivers by-passed and any more that are identified.

Squadron B’s got a five-year mission and has been assigned an additional lightweight destroyer craft. The Genessee `5 got a new captain; there’s a completely new complement on the AS KTTS, and Captain Brikowski of the Peking, plus whoever’s sitting in the captain’s chairs of the smaller craft.

Wow! Rojer said.

Sir, I’m ready to go to the Washington, ri they’ll have me, Thian said with quiet reserve.

HAVE YOU, Thian lad? You’re top of the list. Ashiant’s been bumped up to command the Washington. Told that paper asshole of a base commandant that Ashiant had asked particularly for you.

He did? Thian could not restrain his elation and had a foolish grin of utter delight on his face.

Captain Spktm also implied that it would not budge the KLTL out of orbit unless you’re on the Washington as Prime.

Wow! Rojer repeated, amusement at his brother’s reaction turning to respect.

I hope you can think of saying something more than `wow’, Rojer, when I inform you that you are also to be part of the Prime team on the Washington.

Me, sir? After That’s better. Yes, you, sir. Your conduct during the KTTS incident met with approval in many `Dini quarters. And then there’s the expertise you displayed during the debriefing of Operation Illuminate.

After that? Rojer’s eyes went so wide that Flavia grinned at his astonishment.

`I told you you did well and you didn’t believe me.

Quiet, Flavia, I’m getting to your appointment. Let me add here, Primes, that I never expected FT&T would have to supply naval ships with personnel. But the distances covered and the lengths of these current voyages as well as the need to maintain close contact require the services only Primes can offer the navy.

You will not be under naval authority and I have specified that a Prime on a navy ship has rank equal to the ship’s captain.

We do? Rojer was delighted at that.

`Don’t let it go to your head, Roj,’ Thian said aloud.

I won’t, but it’s nice to know.

They all heard a chuckle from Earth Prime. I didn’t get as much argument as I thought I might. AND I expect you lot to be cognizant of the fact that you ARE to conduct yourselves at all times with the same probity and discretion a captain uses.

Yes, sir. Even Flavia’s reply was suitably ingratiating.

I’m assigning the Pursuit Squadron two Primes because I am never going to leave my people open to the problems that you boys both faced.

Bearing on that problem and preventing any sort of a repetition, I want you to give me the names of support personnel, Talents by prepreference, whom you would like to have, either overtly or covertly on your staff There is always the possibility that you might have to mobilize additional support.

LieutenantCommander Semirame Kloo, Thian said immediately.

Clancy Sparrow, Rojer said at the same time.

Lieutenant AlisonAnne Greevy from the Vadim, Thian added.

Good choices, all three. Especially Greevy, Thian, or had you heard that she’s been taking extracurricular training in `Dini diseases and problems and she was to be transfered to the Washington in any case. The Washington will have a mixed crew.

Thian had had only the briefest note from Gravy, in which she had said she was `OK, and busy. Hoped he was, both.’ He was inordinately pleased that she had the initiative to extend her abilities. He’d have to tell her that, while he had kept his promise, she’d out manoeuvred him. He looked forward even more now to being on the same ship with her again.

I may send along some others who would have various duties but they will make themselves known to you. Thian, as the elder, you are nominally in charge but I believe that you two brothers work well together anyhow so I anticipate … and Jeff paused just briefly to emphasize his point no discord.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne