Lyon’s Pride by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

A code word for all Talents to open their minds to you has been set up throughout the Fleet. That’s in the orders, too, and every one of us has been primed to response, though Earth Prime told me that we don’t know what the word is.

`On an open frequency, the code word, “Saki”, will alert us to be on guard, for you and whoever else is named after that code.’ `Now,’ and Alison took a step forward, `pepper not withstanding, Misters Prime, or is that Prime Misters, or what?’ `I’m not a Prime, Clancy said with a grin.

`In here, we’re informal, but if you’ve got to use titles, Prime’ll do,’ Thian said.

Alison cocked her head slightly. `I heard – scuttlebutt, mind you – that you got captain’s rank.’ `I,’ Thian responded with a broad smirk, `was told that, humble civilian though all Talents are, T-is are considered as holding a rank similar to that of a ship’s captain.’ `But that doesn’t mean we’re captains,’ Rojer said, finishing the explanation.

`So a T-2 like me would be equal to a lieutenant commander?’ Clancy asked.

Thian shrugged. `Why not?’ `You did well – Clarence,’ Semirame Kloo said, arching her eyebrows.

`I’ve got the Talent, kid.’ `What I started to say,’ Alison began in a stern tone, `is that peppers notwithstanding, you Primes have a captains’ dinner tonight, and that’s captains plural plus all first officers, so that’s a mess of people. So you Primes get some rest.

That was a big push you just made. Even Rome and I felt it, didn’t we?’ She looked towards the shorter commander for verification and got an answering grin.

`We’re fine,’ Rojer said negligently.

`That’s because you’ve never been to a captain’s captains’ dinner, coz,’ said Clancy and glanced around at the half-open doors. `Which is mine?’ Rome shrugged. `Whichever – since you’re informal here.’ `Haven’t you – – -` and Clancy stopped, gesturing vaguely at the room doors.

She shook her head. `I’m quartered near by but Alison’s down in sick-bay. Now, you guys sack out!

C’mon or they’ll never stop talking.’ Gravy managed one more sly wink at Thian as the door slid shut behind her.

`Eeney, meeney, miney mo!’ and Rojer’s finger ended up pointing at the middle door on the portside of the lounge.

Thian grabbed his duffle and made for the top room on the other side as Clancy made for the nearest starboard one.

Thian noted with approval that this was a proper bedroom, though there were storage units under the double bed, and wardrobes, as well as private shower and toilet. He didn’t feel fatigued at all until he had dutifully lain down. Almost as if there’d been a subliminal command, he fell instantly and deeply asleep.

The captain’s captains’ dinner was every bit as formal as Thian, Rojer and Clancy dreaded. Captain Ashiant made good use of their fluency and acquaintanceship with Mrdinis and each had a `Dini on either side.

Opposite them were humans and it was permissible to talk across the table from time to time.

Captain Ashiant sat at the head of the table, with Spktm, now Captain of `Dini Constellation LSTS, on his right and Thian on Spktm’s right with the `Dini first officer, Mgl, from the Galaxy KLTL as his other partner.

Rojer was across from his brother with the `Dini Galaxy class Commander Ktpl of the KLTS on one side and AS LSTS’s first officer, Tipi, on the other. All four -`Dinis were quite conversable so there was no problem for the brothers. They both `pathed messages of encouragement to Clancy who was seated at the bottom of the table between the `Dini destroyer captain and a Galaxy class number one. But Clancy was also seated across from one of the three women, a very attractive commander. The captain of the destroyer Athene was seated beyond Rojer and the third woman, another first officer, was beyond Thian by two places. Clancy quipped back that he was better off than they.

The food was good and each species treated to specialities designed to satify different palates. The wines were excellent and Spktm obviously relished the yellow beverage it was served, though the first officer, Tipi, drank only water.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne