McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

“Nabeth says”—B’lerion thudded the bronze dragon affectionately on the cheek—“that the only moving things he saw were fire-lizards fishing! He’s got a good sense of humor, my bronze lad. I hope we’ve got enough for your purpose, Master Capiam, because I’m telling you, this single hand of mine”—he held it out to display the tracery of thorn scratches—“has done enough today!”

Capiam and Desdra gazed speculatively at the nets and then at each other. Desdra covered her mouth and turned away. Capiam looked distressed.

“Did anyone remember to count?” he asked, beseeching each one

in turn. “I’ll tell you another thing,” B’lerion said firmly, “I’m not going

to count ‘em now.”

“I wouldn’t suggest it!”

“However, I would gladly return to this secluded spot to pluck whatever number you find you lack.”

Moreta tapped him on the shoulder. “Not here, B’lerion. If, by any possible chance, we did not pick enough today, go to Nerat. Not


“Oh, yes. That would prevent a time paradox. And the moons would be in roughly the same alignment on Nerat tip.”

“Well, if that’s settled, I expect we’d best return,” Capiam said


“On the contrary, my dear Master Capiam, that would be a sure clue to our day’s employment.” B’lerion clucked his tongue. “We leave Ruatha energetic and in great spirit and arrive, an hour later, exhausted, reddened, hungry. Oklina, which one is the dinner net? Oh, here we are. Just settle yourselves. Use Nabeth as a backrest. There’s more than enough of him to go round.”

Oklina handed him a net of tied vines, which he hoisted so that all could see balls of hard-baked mud.

“Did a bit of fishing during my rest,” B’lerion said, his broad grin daring anyone to challenge the truth of his statement, “and Oklina

found the tubers. So we baked them. On the rocks in the ravine this noon it was hot enough to fry a dragon egg—begging your pardon, Moreta. A good meal would go down now without a struggle, wouldn’t it? And while there’s light enough, Alessan, if you and Moreta could find a few more of those ripe melons, why, we’d have a feast fit for a—Hatching!” B’lerion caught himself so quickly that only Moreta knew that he had quickly substituted one festive occasion for another less painful one.

She had distracted Alessan by pulling him after her to find the melons. They knew exactly where to find more, since they’d raided the patch several times in the afternoon to slake their thirst.

Hunger was part of the fatigue they all felt, and Moreta was glad to take her share from Oklina and thank the girl for such foresight.

“It was B’lerion’s idea, you know,” Oklina said. “He actually tickled the fish to catch them.”

“Did he teach you how?” Alessan asked.

“No,” Oklina replied with admirable composure. “Dag did. The same principal works in our rivers as Ista’s.” •

Moreta could not resist chuckling at Alessan’s expression as he sank beside her.

“On mature reflection, I think she deserves to be in a Weyr,” Alessan said in a severe undertone. Then he realized that he was leaning against a bronze dragon and jerked forward apprehensively.

“Nabeth won’t mind. He’s an old friend of mine, too.”

With a mutter of mock discontent, Alessan cracked the mud to produce a long slender tuber, then Moreta broke one open to prize out the fish, and they shared bits of the contents, keeping the second course warm.

“What a clever fellow you are,” Capiam said, his mouth half full. He and Desdra had arranged themselves in the curve of Nabeth’s tail. Desdra nodded agreement, too busy licking her fingers to speak.

“I have a few talents,” B’lerion said with a becoming show of modesty. “Eating is one of my few bad habits. Fruit is all very well in the heat of the day but something warm soothes the belly before sleep …”

“Sleep!” Capiam and Moreta protested simultaneously. B’lerion held up a restraining hand. “Sleep”—he pointed his finger sternly at Moreta—“for you have to mend dragons after Fall in another four hours. You can’t do that effectively after the day you just


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne