McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

Moreta was not so certain, suddenly, of Leri’s reaction to the truth other whereabouts, especially now that it was obvious that Nabeth’s explanation had been somewhat less than candid. And she’d given B’lerion far too good a reason to prevaricate.

“We went to Ista. We went forward in time to Ista to harvest needlethom. There’s not much point in producing vaccine if there’s no way to administer it.”

Meekly Moreta endured Leri’s piercing stare, the expression of disbelief, anger, anxiety, and finally resignation that flashed through the woman’s eyes.

“You just casually”—Leri flapped one hand in a careless motion— “Jumped four or five months ahead?”

“Not casually—B’lerion checked the position of the Red Star and the two moons to be sure he was near the autumnal equinox. And we arrived back in Ruatha in an hour. Nabeth told you that much, didn’t he?”

“That much!” Leri drummed her fingers on her short thighs, indicating a displeasure she evidently couldn’t express in another way.


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern


Moreta put out a tentative hand, a request for absolution, and Leri caught it, noticing for the first time the delicate tracery of needle scratches.

“Serves you right.” With a snort of disgust she released the hand. Then, with a grudging smile, she added, “I’d have thought you’d’ve taken a lesson from K’lon’s ineptitude. Sunburn. Scratches!”

“Nothing that redwort won’t hide this afternoon.” But Moreta tucked both hands under her thighs, the stone cool on the deeper slashes. “Nabeth didn’t tell you he took us to Ista? I chose a spot that isn’t easily reached through the rainforests. There’re only two places on the northern continent where needlethorn grows, and I thought the ravine on Ista safer than Nerat. We were perfectly safe the entire time.”

“We?” Leri eyed Moreta with renewed alarm.

“I could scarcely harvest the quantity of needlethorn required by myself.” Then Moreta realized that, in her effort to reassure Leri, she had said altogether more than was strictly necessary.

“Who went?” Leri was quietly resigned to her indiscretions.

“B’lerion …”

“He would have to.”

Moreta winced at Leri’s dry sarcasm.

“Master Capiam and Desdra, the joumeywoman. She knows about timing because she found the entries in the old Records.”

“Could we ask Master Capiam to bum those old Records?” Leri asked hopefully.

“He’s agreed to ‘lose’ them. Which is why I agreed to go.”

“That makes four of you. So! Who else went? We’ve known each other far too long, my dear, for you to delude me!”

“Alessan and Oklina.”

Leri sighed heavily, covering her eyes with one hand.

“Alessan has too much at stake and too much honor in him to prate about dragon capability. And judging by the way Arith has been snuffling around Oklina, she would make a candidate for Or-lith’s egg.”

“You couldn’t—you wouldn’t take his sister from Alessan . . •” Leri was astounded.

“I wouldn’t, but the queen might. Alessan said he’d be agreeable if any children she bears are allowed to go back to Ruatha.”

“Well!” Leri’s exclamation was complimentary. “You accomplished rather a lot in one hour, didn’t you?”

“B’lerion insisted that we sleep six hours in Ista in that time, but we did have to leave an hour’s leeway before appearing back at Ruatha!”

“So you skited back to Ruatha Hold bearing nets full of needlethorn and no explanations tendered?”

Moreta began to relax. Once Leri got over her shocks, she’d begin to see the humor of the whole adventure, that the sheer reckless momentum had worked to their advantage.

“B’lerion dropped off Alessan, Oklina, and me, and took off to the Healer Hall with Capiam and Desdra. The dust hadn’t settled before M’barak arrived with more glass bottles and volunteers and … Besides, who will ask the Lord of Ruatha to explain an hour’s absence or inquire of Master Capiam where he got needlethorn? He has it! That’s all anyone needs to know!”

“A point to remember.” Leri’s humor had been restored enough for her to be witty.

“So,” Moreta said, having achieved another minor miracle in soothing Leri, “tomorrow I have only to approach the other Weyrs to ask for aid in distributing the vaccine. I promised Capiam.”

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