McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

put in.” He flipped his hand toward the carry-nets lying in the shadows. “You, Alessan, will have to vaccinate and escort those priceless brood mares and foals of yours down from the meadows. I do not see you permitting anyone else to head that expedition. Desdra and Capiam, you will be returning to the pressures of expanding this vaccination program of yours to include runnerbeasts. So we shall finish our meal and then we shall sleep.” He allowed the sibilance of the word to emphasize his meaning. “When Belior has risen, Nabeth will rouse us, won’t you, my fine fellow?” B’lerion thumped his dragon’s neck. “And we’ll all be the better for the time spent here.” “B’lerion,” Moreta protested vigorously, “I really should get back

to Oriith.”

“Orlith’s fine, my dear girl. Fine! You’re only going to be gone an hour in real time. And frankly, dear friend, you look dead right now!” B’lerion leaned over to ruffle her hair in a proprietary gesture that made Alessan tense beside her. Moreta quickly checked him with a hand on his thigh. “And anyway,” B’lerion continued affably, “you’ve no choice, Moreta.” And his grin widened with keen amusement. “You can’t leave here except on Nabeth and he follows my


“You’re a managing soul,” Capiam said without rancor. “He’s sensible,” Desdra said, making a minor correction. “I was dreading the thought of being plunged back into all that must be done. Not to mention explaining these.” She examined her scratched

hands. “If you keep everyone as busy as you usually do, Desdra,” Capiam

replied at his dryest, “no one will have time to notice.”

“So just make yourself comfortable beside Nabeth. He won’t mind being pillow as well as windscreen, but there’s enough cover on the ground to keep you from scratching yourselves and the landward

breeze will keep the midges off.”

B’lerion then had Nabeth stretch out his neck so that he and Oklina could settle themselves. Capiam and Desdra arranged themselves in the tail curve so Moreta lay down against Nabeth’s ribs and

gestured for Alessan to join her. “He won’t roll over or anything?” Alessan whispered to Moreta as

he lay down.

“Not while B’lerion’s lying on his neck!” So Alessan fitted himself against Moreta, drawing her arms

Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 269

around his waist and clasping them in his. She could feel his breath slow as he began to relax, and she pillowed her forehead against his strong shoulder blade.

The tropical night was warm and fragrant. Moreta tried to compose herself for sleep. She could hear Capiam’s baritone murmur and then silence. Alessan slept and she wanted to but was haunted by the sense of disorientation she had left that morning. Then the spicy smell of dragon, still tainted by a hint of firestone, began to soothe her and she realized that—for the first time in twenty Turns—she had passed a day without Oriith. She did miss her. Oriith would have liked Alessan’s exuberant loving. All that had been missing from that experience had been the dragon’s share of her rider’s gratification. Comforted, Moreta slept.

The moment Nabeth burst into the air above Ruatha, Moreta felt Orlith’s distressed touch.

You are there! You are there! Where have you been?

Where could you have been? That deep-toned question was from an equally distraught Holth.

To Ista. As Nabeth told you.

We could not find you there! That came from both queens.

/ am here. I have what we went for. All is well! I won’t be long here now.

The time distortion that accounted for the strange feeling of separation and disorientation lingering even in her dreams at Ista had dissipated the moment Moreta felt Orlith’s touch. She was not only rested but extraordinarily revived, to the point that the warm sphere of euphoria in her belly expanded to fill her entire body with strength. B’lerion had been sensible indeed to insist they take time for rest.

Seated behind Moreta, Alessan became suddenly tense, his hands tightening about her waist fiercely. She knew he was swearing though the wind of Nabeth’s glide obscured the words. She looked down at sad Ruatha and knew that a dragonback perspective of the ruins could not fail to distress him. When she managed to twist to speak to him, his expression was full of urgent determination.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne