McCaffrey, Anne – Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Chapter 14

“My dear girl, you can skite out of here for an hour on a mysterious time-consuming errand, but what excuse could you possibly find to go Weyr-hopping?”

“The best. There’s a queen egg in front of us. I can visit them on Search. Even Orlith would agree to the necessity for that! And if I remember correctly, the Weyrleaders promised at that historic Butte meeting of theirs that they would supply candidates for Orlith’s clutch.”

“Ah, but that was then,” Leri pointed out sardonically. “This is now. You have surely been aware of M’tani’s disaffection. He’s unlikely to part with the dullest wit in his Cavern.”

“I thought of that. Remember the lists the Weyrleaders gave S’peren? Or did you give them to Sh’gall?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. They’re safe in my weyr.”

“We can figure out which of the bronze riders at Telgar are likely to time it. I can’t imagine that Benden or High Reaches would re-nege on the offer of candidates—”

“Of course they wouldn’t. T’grel would be the bronze rider you


Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern

should see at Telgar. And you could apply to Dalova at Igen. She may tend to babble but she’s basically rather a sensible person. You have thought this all out, haven’t you?” Leri gave a little chuckle at Moreta’s cunning. “My dear, you’ve the makings of a superior Weyrwoman. Just shuck that bronze rider and get someone you’re happy with. And I do not mean that light-eyed Lord Holder, with his convenient stashes of Benden white. Though mind you, he’s a handsome

lad!” Outside, the bronze voice of Kadith called the fighting wings to

the Rim.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne