Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

widened in horrified dismay at such irreverence. And he never told his

holders it is?” Actually I got that distinct impression while I was

there,’ lantine said, more from what wasn’t said and done than what

was. I mean, even Hall Domaize was stocking food and supplies against

Threadfall. They’d talk enough about odds .iid wagers at Bitra, but not

a word about Thread.

Did they sucker you into any gaming?” Leopol’s avid expression

suggested he yearned for a positive answer.

lantine shook his head and grinned at his eager listener.

In the first place, I’d been warned. Isn’t everyone warned about

Bitrans at Gathers? And then, I didn’t have any spare marks to wager.”

Otherwise you’d have lost your commission fer fair, Leopol murmured,

his eyes still round with his unvoiced speculations of the disaster

lantine had avoided.

I’d say Chalkin’s gambling in the wrong game if he thinks ignoring

Thread will make it not happen,’ lantine said.

Shelters are going to have to be huge,’ he added, gesturing towards the

solid beasts who were being led to the lake to drink.

Either they were accustomed to drago nets from coming to Telgar Weyr, or

they were so phlegmatic they didn’t care.

However, the weyrlings had never seen them before in their short lives,

so they reacted with alarm at the massive cart beasts, squealing with

such fright that dragons, sleeping in the pale wintry sun on their weyr

ledges, woke up to see what the fuss was about. lantine grinned.

He did a rapid sketch of that in a corner of the page. At the rate he

was going, he’d use up even this generous supply of paper.

Well, they’ve had to use a lot of sheet roofing, I know,’ Leopol said.

The Veyr contributes, too, ya know, since the Liliencamps have to

detour to get up to us.

lantine had never given any thought to the support system required to

serve a Weyr and its dragons. He had always assumed that dragons and

riders took care of themselves from tithings, but he was acquiring a

great respect for the organization and management of such a facility.

In a direct contrast with what he had seen at Bitra, everybody in the

Weyr worked cheerfully at any task set them and took great pride in

being part of it. Everyone helped everyone else; everyone seemed happy.

To be sure, lantine had recently realized that his early childhood had

been relatively carefree and happy. His learning years at the College

had also been good as well as productive; his apprenticeship to Hall

Domaize had proceeded with only occasional ups and downs as he struggled

to perfect new techniques and a full understanding of Art.

Bitra Hold had been an eye-opener. So, of course, was the Weyr, but in

a far more positive manner. Grimly, lantine realized that one had to

know the bad to properly appreciate the good. He smiled wryly to

himself while his right hand now rapidly completed the sketch of the

Weyrleaders in earnest collaboration with the Liliencamp trail bosses.

That Bloodline had been the first of the peripatetic traders, bringing

goods and delivering less urgent messages on their way from one isolated

hold to another. A Liliencamp had been one of the more prominent First

Settlers. Ian tine thought he’d been portrayed in the great Mural in

Fort Hold, with the other Charterers: a smallish man with black hair,

depicted with sharp eyes and a pad of some sort depending from his belt,

and – lantine had of course noted them several writing implements

stuffed in his chest pocket, and one behind his ear. It had seemed such

a logical place to store a pencil that lantine had taken to the habit


He peered more closely at the trail bosses. Yes, one of them had what

looked like a pencil perched behind one ear – and he also had an empty

pouch at his belt: one that probably accommodated the pad on the table

before him.

But, even with such wayside precautions, would such traders be able to

continue throughout the fifty dangerous years of a Pass? It was one

thing to plan and quite another, as lantine had only just discovered, to

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne