Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

himself. Now, give me your requirements straight. But to ease your

mind, if you’d finish off this,’ and the pencil end tapped the montage,

in water colour, I’m ready to give you two marks for it.

Oh, and I’d like this one of T’dam giving his lecture…” he added,

flipping to that page. That’!! show some folks that dragon riders do

niething beyond glide about the skies. A mark and a half for that But.

. but. . . lantine floundered, trying to organize his t1’oughts as

well as his needs. Debera was grinning from ear to ear and so was her

dragon. I’ve no water colours with me he began, wishing to indicate

his willingness to finish the inontage.

Ah, but I just happen to have some, which is why I suggested them,’

said Jo! beaming again. Really, this meeting is most serendipitous,’

he added, and his smile included Debera. And this,’ he touched the

montage again in a very proprietary fashion, coloured up a bit and with

glass to protect it, will look very good indeed in my wagon office.

Indeed it will Advertising, I believe the ancestors called it.” Ah,

Master Jo!?” called someone from one of the trade wagons. A moment of

your time – – I’ll be back, lad, just you stay there. You, too,

Debera. I’ve not finished with the pair of you yet, so I haven’t.” As

lantine and Debera exchanged stunned looks, he trotted off to see what

was required of him, tucking the pencil behind his ear again and folding

up his pad as he went.

I don’t believe him,’ lantine said, shaking his head, feeling weak and


Are you all right?” Debera asked, leaning across the table to him.

Gob-smacked,’ lantine told her, remembering a favourite expression of

his father’s. Completely gob-smacked!” Debera grinned knowingly. I

think I am, too. I never expected –Neither did I!’ Why? Don’t you

trust traders?” Leopol asked, sounding slightly defensive.

lantine gave a shaky laugh. One can trust traders. It’s just I never

expected such generosity . – How long were you in Bitra?” Debera asked

tartly, giving a long look.

Long enough,’ lantine said, grimacing, to learn new meanings to the

word “satisfactory”‘ Debera gave him a little frown.

Never mind,’ he said, shaking his head and patting her hand.

And thank you very much for introducing me to your cousin.

Once he saw that sketch, you really didn’t need me,’ she remarked,

almost shyly.

I believe you ordered these,’ said a baritone voice. Rider and artist

looked up in astonishment as a trader deposited an armful of items on

the table: two pads, one larger than the other, a neat square box which

held a full glass bottle of ink, a sheaf of pens and a parcel of

pencils. Special delivery.” With a grin, he pivoted and went back the

way he had come.

Master Jo! does pride himself on his quick service,’ Leopol said with

a wide grin.

There now! You’re all set,’ said Debera.

I am indeed,’ and the words came out of lantine like a prayer.

Lord Paulin’s message to the other Lords Holder and Weyrleaders received

a mixed reception: not everyone was in favour of impeachment, despite

the evidence presented.

Paulin was both annoyed and frustrated, having hoped for a unanimous

decision so that Chalkin could be removed before his Hold was totally


Jamson and Azury felt that the matter could wait until the Turn’s End

Council meeting: Jamson was known to be conservative, but Paulin was

surprised by Azury’s reservations. Those who lived in tropical zones

rarely understood the problems of winter weather. To be sure, it would

be more difficult to prepare Bitra Hold in full winter, which was

Azury’s stated concern, but some progress could be made to prepare the

Hold for the vernal onslaught of Threadfall.

Preparations ought to have begun – as in every other Hold two years ago:

larger crops sowed, harvests stored and general maintenance done on

buildings and arable lands, as well as Fort Hold and Bitran Borders –

Early Winter VI

the construction of emergency shelters on the main roads and for ground

crews. Not to mention training holders how to combat Thread burrows.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne