Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

She’d changed a great deal since she Impressed Morath. He grinned,

picked up his pad and slowly made his way to his quarters.

He wasn’t sharing with any refugee, but Leopol sprawled on a bed-pad

along one wall and didn’t even stir as lantine prepared himself for bed.

There were more refugees than originally estimated and while the

resources of the two Weyrs were stretched, the Lord Holders immediately

sent additional supplies and offered shelter. Some of those rescued

were in bad shape from the cold and could not be immediately transferred

to the sanctuaries offered by Nerat, Benden and Telgar Holds.

Zulaya had headed a rescue team of the other queens and the green

riders. She came back, seething with rage.

I knew he was a greedy fool and an idiot, but not a sadist.

There were three pregnant women at the Forest Road border and they’d

been raped because, of course, they couldn’t sue the guards later on a

paternity claim.

Are the women all right?” K’vin asked, appalled by yet another instance

of the brutality. We arrived at the North Pass just in time to spare

three lads from very unkind attentions by the guards. Where does

Chalkin find such men?” From holds which have tossed them out for

anti-social behaviour or criminal activities, of course,’ Zulaya

replied, almost spitting in anger. And that blizzard’s closed in. We

moved just in time. If we hadn’t, I fear most of these people would be

dead by morning. Absolutely nothing allowed them!

Not even the comfort of a fire!” I know, I know,’ he said, as bitter

about the sadistic behaviour as she was. We should have treated those

guards to a taste of absolute cold. Like a long wait between. Only

that would have been a clean death.

We still can,’ Zulaya said in a grating tone. K’vin regarded her in

astonishment and she glared at him, clenching her fists at her sides.

Oh, I know we can’t, but that doesn’t keep me from wanting to!

Did you take lantine with you? I thought of how useful on-the-spot

sketches might be.” In fact, he asked to come. He’s got plenty to show

Lord Paulin and the Council,’ he said. He swallowed, remembering the

stark drawings that had filled one pad. lantine’s quick hand had

captured the reality, made even more compelling by the economy of line,

depicting horrific scenes of deliberate cruelty.

The Weyrleaders introduced themselves to the first of the refugees, and

started off by interviewing an older couple.

M’grandsir’s grand sir came to Bitra with the then Holder, the man said,

his eyes nervously going from one Weyrleader to the other. He kept

wiggling his bandaged fingers, though N’ran had assured them the pain

and itch had been dulled by fell is and numb weed I’m Brookie,

m’woman’s Ferina. We farmed it since. Never no reason to complain,

though the Holder keeps asking for more tithe and there’s only so much

comes out of any acre, no matter who tills it. But he’d the right.

Not to take our sow, though, his mate added, her expression rebellious.

We needed that un to make more piggies to meet the tithe he set.” Like

her man, she laid a stress on the pronoun. Took our daughter, too, to

work in the Hold when we wanted her land grant. Said we didn’t work

what we had good enough so we couldn’t have more.” Really?” said

Zulaya, deceptively mild as she shot K’vin a meaningful glance. Now

that’s interesting, holder Ferina.

K’vin envied Zulaya’s trick of remembering names.

You could’ve asked me, Charanth said helpfully.

You’ve been listening?

The people needed dragons’ help. I listen. We all do.

When the pity of dragons has also been aroused, surely that’s enough

justification for what we’ve just done, thought K’vin, if the Cound!

should turn up stiff. I must remember to tell Zulaya.

But he says we got it wrong and we ain’t had no teacher to ask,’ the

man said. An’ thassa nut her thing – we should have a teacher for our

kids.” At least so they can read the Charter and know what rights you

all do have,’ Zulaya said firmly. I’ve a copy we can show you right

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne