Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part four

dragon if the riffraff could.

You didn’t, M’shall,’ Irene exclaimed, her eyes wide with delighted

anticipation, drop them off on the way, did you?” No,’ and M’shall

shrugged with mock regret. But I felt it might be wise to .

. . ah sequester? Yes, that’s the word, sequester certain of them

should they be required to stand before the Council and explain exactly

what orders they received.

Oh,’ and Bridgely turned pensive.

Oh, I was select, you might say,’ and M’shall’s face was grim.

I found out which had had a hand in those killings and took testimony

against them from bereaved witnesses. Not even guards, acting under a

Lord Holder’s orders, may execute without trial, you know.

Oh, indeed, and you’ve acted circumspectly,’ Bridgely said, nodding

with understanding. Really, I don’t think this can wait until Turn’s

End. And I shall so inform Jamson and Azury.” I’d be happy to take you

myself,’ offered M’shall, and speak for the Weyr. In fact,’ and the

Weyrleader reached for Chalkin’s written message, you could deliver

this at the same time, Bridgely.

You are all consideration, Weyrleader,’ Bridgely said, gesturing

grandly and looking exceedingly pleased.

My pleasure at any time, Lord Holder.” M’shall swept his arm in an

equally grand gesture.

Whenever you can spare a moment from your duties, Weyrleader?” Why, I

do believe I can spare an hour or two now, since I perceive that it is

an appropriate time to visit the western half of the continent. .

Oh, will you two stop your nonsense and GO!” Irene said, laughter in

her voice though she tried to look reproving. But their antics relieved

the tension in the Weyr.

High Reaches Boll Holds, Ista Ben den Weyr, Ista Hold – High Reaches

Fort Holds and Telgar Holds Now really, M’shall, Bndgely, said Jamson,

fussing with his robes as he shifted uneasily in his chair.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne