Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

contracts into his pack shrugged into his coat, rolled up his

sleeping-furs, looped both packs in one hand and was half-way down the

stairs again when he met Chalkin ascending.

You cannot leave now,’ Chalkin protested, grabbing his arm. You have

to wait until my wife has seen and approved my portrait.

Oh, no, I don’t, said lantine, wrenching free of the restraining hand.

He was out of the main door before Chalkin could say another word, and

ran down the roadway between the soiled snow banks. If he was benighted

on the road in the middle of a snowstorm, he would still be safer than

staying one more hour at Bitra Hold.

Luckily for him, he found shelter during that next storm in a woodsman’s

holding some klicks away from the main Hold.

Telgar Weyr, Fort Hold Guess what I found?” P’tero cried, ushering his

guest into the kitchen cavern. Tisha, he’s half frozen and starving of

the hunger,’ the young green rider added, hauling the tall fur wrapped

figure towards the nearest hearth and pushing him into a chair. He

deposited the packs he was carrying on to the table.

Klah, for the love of little dragons, please .

Two women came running, one with klah and the other with a hastily

filled bowl of soup. Tisha came striding across the cavern, demanding

to know what the problem was, who -had P’tero rescued and from where.

No-one should be out in weather like this,’ she said as she reached the

table and grabbed the victim’s wrist to get a pulse.

All but froze, he is.” – — Tisha pulled aside the furs wrapped about

his neck and – then let him take the cup. He cradled the klah in

reddened – fingers, blowing before he took his first cautious sip. He

was also shivering uncontrollably.

I spotted an SOS on the snow – lucky for him that the sun made shadows

or I’d never have seen it,’ P’tero was saying, thornughly pleased with

himself. Found him below Bitra Hold…

Poor man,’ Tisha interjected.

Oh, you’re so right there,’ P’tero said with ironic fervour, and he’ll

never return. Not that he’s told me all . . . and P’tero flopped to

a chair when someone brought him a cup of klah. Got out of Chalkin’s

clutches intact . . . and P’tero grinned impishly, and then survived

three nights in a Bitran woodsman’s hold — with only a half cup of old

oats to sustain him – – Through his explanation, Tisha ordered hot

water-bottles, warmed blankets and, taking a good look at the man’s

fingers, numb weed and frostbite salve.

Don’t think they’re more than cold,’ she said, removing one of his

hands from its fevered grip on the hot cup and spreading the fingers

out, lightly pinching the tips. No, cold enough but not harmed. Thank

you, thank you,” the man said, returning his fingers to the warm cup. I

got so cold stamping out that emergency code And out of doors in such

weather with no gloves,’ Tisha chided him.

When I left Domaize Hall for Bitra Hold, it was only autumn,’ he said

in a grating voice.

Autumn?” Tisha echoed, widening her fine eyes in surprise.

How long were you at Bitra Hold then?” Seven damned weeks,’ the man

replied, spitting out the words in a disgusted tone of voice. I had

thought a week at the most Tisha laughed, her belly heaving under her

broad apron.

What under the stars took you to Bitra in the first place?

Painter, are you?” she added.

How’d you know?” The man regarded her with surprise.

Still have paint under your nails Iantine inspected them and his

cold-reddened face flushed a deeper red.

I didn’t even stop to wash,’ he said.

As well you didn’t, considering the price Chalkin charges for such

luxuries as soap,’ she said, chuckling again.

The women returned with the things Tisha had ordered.

While they ministered to the warming of him, he clung with one hand or

the other to the klah. And then to the soup cup.

ijis furs, which had kept him from freezing to death, were taken to dry

at one fire; his boots were removed and his toes checked for frostbite

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne