Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

But . . . but . how do we know what they might need to know?”

Clisser asked, clearly still despairing with that rhetorical question.

We don’t know the half of what we should know.

Bethany rose and took the two steps to the beverage counter.

it’s not working either,’ Clisser said in a sharp disgusted tone,

flicking one hand at it, insult on injury.

I shall miss the convenience, she said.

We all shall miss convenience,’ said Clisser and exhaled sharply, once

again combing his hair back from his forehead with impatient fingers.

So,’ said Sydra with a shrug of her shoulders, we use the gas-ring

instead. It heats water just as hot, if not as quickly.

Now, let’s all go and get a reviving cup, shall we?” She took Clisser by

the hand, to tug him out of his chair. You look as if you need


You’re all high on last night’s success, he told them accusingly, but

he got to his feet.

As well we are,’ said Sheledon. The better to console you, old


Clisser,’ Bethany began in her soft, persuasive voice, we have known

from our reading of the Second Crossing that the artificial

intelligence, the AI VAS turned itself off. We know why. Because it

wisely knew that people were beginning to think it was infallible: that

it contained all the answers to all Mankind’s problems. Not just its

history. Mankind had begun not only to consider it an oracle but to

depend on it far more than was wise. For us. So it went down.

We have let ourselves be guided too long by what we could read and

extract from the data left to us on computer. We have been too

dependent. It is high time we stood squarely on our own two feet . .

. She paused, twisting her mouth wryly, to underscore her own uneven

stance, . . . and made our own decisions. Especially when what the

computers tell us has less and less relevance to our current problems.”

You said it, Bethany,’ agreed Sheledon, nodding approval with a little

quirk of his mouth.

Clisser smoothed back his hair again and smiled ruefully.

It would have been better if this could all have happened just a little

– and he made a space between thumb and forefinger, later.

When we found what we need for the dragon riders You mean, a

fail-proof system to prove the Red Star’s on a drop course?” Sheledon

asked and then shrugged. The best minds on the continent are working

on that problem.

We’ll find a solution,’ said Bethany, again with the oddly calm

resolution of hers. Mankind generally does, you know.” That’s why we

have dragons,’ Sydra said. I could really murder a cup of klah.

Weyrling Barracks and Bitra Hold

An insistent, increasingly urgent sense of hunger nagged Debera out of

so deep a sleep she was totally disoriented.

The bed was too soft, she was alone in it, and neither the sounds nor

smells around her were familiar.

I really am most terribly hungree and I know that you were very \tired

but my stomach is empty, empty, empty MORA TH Debera shot bolt upright

and cracked her poll on the underside of the dragonet’s head because

Morath had been leaning over her bed. Ouch! Oh, dearest, I didn’t

hurt you, did I?” Standing up in the bed, Debera wrapped apologetic arms

about Morath, stroking her cheeks and ear knobs reassuring her with

murmurs of regret and promises to never hurt her again.

The little dragon refocused her eyes, whirling lightly, but with only

the faintest tinge of the red of pain and alarm which dissipated quickly

with such ardent reassurances.

Your head is much harder than it looks, she said, giving hers a little


Debera rubbed underneath the jaw where the contact had been made.

I’m so sorry, dearest, and then she heard a giggle behind her and

swivelling around, half in anger, half in reflexive defence, she saw

that she was not alone in the weyrling barracks. The blonde girl from

Ista . . . Sarra, that was her name . . . was sitting on the edge

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne