Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

a few words with you, if you’re not too tired.” lantine murmured thanks

and understanding and addressed himself single-mindedly to his food. How

long had it been since he’d eaten a decent meal?

He would have had additional servings of the main course, but his

stomach felt uneasy: too much good food after several days of

semi-fasting, probably. Leopol brought him a large serving of the sweet

course, but he couldn’t finish it all because the back of his throat

felt raw and sore. He would have gone back to his bed then, but he saw

the Weyrleaders advancing on him. Leopol made a discreet exit, grinning

reassurance at him. Ian tine tried to stand in courtesy to his hosts,

but he wobbled on his numbed feet and dropped back into the chair.

We don’t stand much on ceremony here,’ Zulaya said, gesturing for him

to stay seated as K’vin pulled out one chair for her.

He carried the wine-skin from which he filled all the glasses.

lantine took a polite sip – it was a nice crisp wine – but even the one

sip made his stomach feel sourer.

Messages have been sent, and acknowledgments received, that you’ve been

rescued,’ K’vin said, grinning over the last word. Master Domaize was

becoming worried, so we saved him a messenger to Bitra.” That’s very

good of you, Zulaya, K’vin,’ lantine said, thankful that part of his

training at Hall Domaize had included knowing the important names in

every Hold, Weyr and Hall.

I certainly appreciated P’tero’s rescue.” Zulaya grinned. He’ll be

dining out on that one for the rest of the year. But it proves the

wisdom of sweep riding even during the Interval.” You should know,’

lantine blurted out, that Lord Chalkin doesn’t believe there will be a

Pass.” Of course not,’ K’vin replied easily. It doesn’t suit him to.

Bridgely and M’shall would like a report from you, though, concerning

your visit there.” You mean, there’s something that can be done about

him?” lantine was amazed. Lord Holders were autonomous within their

borders; he hadn’t known there’d be any recourse.

He may do himself in,’ Zulaya said with a grim twist of her lips.

That would be wonderful,’ said lantine. Only,’ and now honesty forced

him to admit this, he didn’t really do anything to me.

Our Weyr artist may not be trained,’ K’vin said, but Waine informed me

that it doesn’t take seven weeks to do four miniatures I actually

painted twenty-two to get four that they liked,’ lantine explained,

clearing his throat grimly. The hooker in the contract was the word

“satisfactory” Ah,’ Zulaya and K’vin said in chorus.

I ran out of paint and canvas because I brought only what I thought I’d

need. He lifted his hands, then rubbed them because they were

beginning to itch again. Then the children all got measles and so,

rather than have anything deducted from the fee for room and board, I

agreed to freshen up the Hold murals . . . only I hadn’t brought that

sort of paint and had to manufacture the colours .

Did he charge you for the use of the equipment?” Zulaya asked to

lantine’s astonishment.

How did you know?” When she only laughed and waved at him to continue

his telling, lantine went on, So I excavated what I needed in the

midden Good for you Zulaya clapped her hands, delighted by his

resourcefulness, Fortunately, most of the raw materials for pigments

are readily available. You only have to find them and make the colours

up. Which I’d have to do anyhow. Master Domaize was good about passing

on techniques like that.

Then I finally got them to accept the miniatures, which weren’t exactly

miniature size any more, by the way, just before the first blizzard

snowed me in.” lantine flushed; his narrative showed him to be such a


So? What did you contract for then?” Zulaya shot K’vin a knowing look.

I was a bit wiser. Or so I thought,’ he said with a grimace and then

told them the clauses he’d insisted on.

He had you on the drudges’ level at Bitra?” Zulaya was appalled.

And you a diploma’d artist? I would protest about that! There are

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne