Red Star Rising by Anne McCaffrey. Part three

considering lodging a demand for the return of some of the fee since you

were so obviously very new at your art, and the fee had been for a

seasoned painter, not a young upstart.” Leopol grinned at lantine’s

furious reaction.

Oh, don’t worry. Your master wasn’t born yesterday. M’shall himself

brought him to Bitra Hold, and they said that there was not a thing

wrong with any of the work you’d done for that Lord Chalkin.” He cocked

his head to one side, regarding lantine with a calculating look.

Seems like there’s lot of people wanting to sit their portraits with

you. Didja know that?” lantine shook his head, trying to absorb the

injustice of Chalkin’s objection. He was speechless with fury. Leopol

grinned again.

Don’t worry, lantine. Chalkin’s the one should worry, treating you

like that. Your Master and the Benden Weyrleader gave out to that Lord

Holder about it, too. You’re qualified, and entitled to all the

courtesies of which you got none at Bitra Hold. Good thing you didn’t

get sick until after Zulaya and K’vin had a chance to hear your side of

the story.

Not that anyone would believe Chalkin, no matter what he says.

Did you know that even wherries won t roost in Bitra Hold?”

Convalescence from the lung infection took time and lantine fretted at

his weakness.

I keep falling asleep,’ he complained to Tisha one morning when she

arrived with his potion. How long do I have to keep taking this

stuff?” Until Maranis hears clear lungs in you,’ she said in her

no-nonsense tone. Then she handed him the sketch paper and pencils that

Waine had given him on his first night in the Weyr. Get your hand back

in. At least doing what you’re best at can be done sitting still.

It was good to have paper and pencil again. lt was good to look about

the Lower Caverns and catch poses, especially when the poser didn’t

realize he was being sketched. And his eye had not lost its keenness,

and if his fingers cramped now and then from weakness, strength

gradually returned. He became unaware of the passage of time, nor did

he notice people coming up behind him to see what he was drawing just


Waine arrived with mortar, pestle, oil, eggs and cobalt to make a good

blue. The man had picked up bits of technique and procedures on his

own, but picking things up here and there was no substitute for the

concentrated drill which lantine had had: drills that he had once

despised but now appreciated when he could see what resulted from the

lack of them.

Winter had set in but on the first day of full sun, Tisha insisted on

wrapping him up in a cocoon of furs to sit out in the Bowl for the good

of fresh air’. As it was bath-time for the drago nets lantine was

immediately fascinated by their antics and began to appreciate just how

much hard work went into their nurture. It was also the first chance

he’d ever had of seeing drago nets He knew the grace and power of the

adult dragons and their awesome appearance. Now he saw the weyrlings as

mischievous – even naughty, as one ducked her rider into the lake – and

endlessly inventive. None of this last Hatching were ready to fly yet,

but some of the previous clutch were beginning to take on adult duties.

He had first-hand observation of their not-so-graceful performances.

The next day he saw P’tero and blue Ormonth in the focus of some sort of

large class. As he wandered over, he saw that not only the weyrlings

from the last three Hatchings were attending but also all youngsters

above the age of twelve.

Ormonth had one wing extended and was gazing at it in an abstract

fashion, as if he’d never seen it before. The expression was too much

for the artist in lantine and he flipped open his pad and sketched the

scene. P’tero noticed, but the class was being extremely attentive.

What T’dam was saying slowly reached through lantine’s absorption with

line and pose.

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Categories: McCaffrey, Anne