Riptide by Catherine Coulter

Now, he must not have found out where Thomas is. Thomas

owns a house in Chevy Chase, but it’s a well-kept secret. The location

of his condo in Georgetown is also a secret, but anyone could

discover its location if they really wanted to. MAX could probably

ferret it out in ten minutes flat. But not the Chevy Chase house.

He’s very careful. I kid you not, I don’t even think the president

knows where his house is. So then Krimakov wouldn’t know, either.

That’s why he got Becca. She’s his leverage. He’ll take her to Washington,

to the condo.”Adam stopped cold. “We’ve got to leave now.”

Savich said, “I think you should call Thomas first, tell him what’s

happened. We’ve put it off long enough, don’t you think? He’s got

to know.”

Adam cursed under his breath at the sound of Tyler McBride’s

angry voice. Tyler came into the kitchen, three agents right behind

him, one holding his arm, and yelled, “What the hell is going on

here? Every light in the place is on? Who are these guys? Let me

go, dammit. Where’s Becca?”

Let him go, Tommy,” Savich said, nodding to one of Thomas’s

men who was guarding the front of the house. “He’s a neighbor

and a friend of Becca’s.”

“What the hell is going on here, Adam?”

“He took her,” Adam said.” We think he’s heading to Washington,

D.C., with her. We’re going to have to clear out soon.”

Tyler paled, then yelled, “You were supposed to protect her, you

bastard! You really screwed up big-time, didn’t you? I wanted to

help but you just kissed me off, I was a civilian, of no use at all.

What about you? All these big Fed cops, none of you could protect

her. None of you were of any help at all!”

Savich said as he closed his fingers around Tyler’s arm, “I understand

your anger. But all these accusations aren’t going to help anyone,

particularly Becca. Believe me, we all know what’s at stake


“You’re damned incompetent bastards,” Tyler yelled even

louder, “all of you.” He jerked away from Savich.

“Tyler,” Adam said quietly, “don’t go to Sheriff Gaffney. That

would be the worst thing you could do.”

“Why? How much more could things be fucked up?”

“He might kill her,” Adam said. “Don’t tell anyone anything.”

After Tyler McBride was escorted from the house by three

agents, Sherlock said, “Why not tell everyone now?”

Adam shoved his hand through his hair. “Dammit, because if

some cop happens to see them, then you know our guy would kill

her and take off. We can’t take the chance. No, we’ve got to get to

Washington, fast.”

“First you’ve got to call Thomas, Adam.”

Adam didn’t want to, he really didn’t.

Savich and Sherlock listened to Adam flail himself on the


There was silence on the other end. Finally, Thomas said, “Get

over it, Adam. We’ve been dealt new cards now, we’ll play them.

I’m very relieved that Chuck is all right. His wife would roast me

alive if he’d been killed. Now, if this is Krimakov, then he at least

knows I’m in Washington, probably knows about the condo. I’ll

stay here. I’ll be ready for him. Get back here as quickly as you can,

Adam. Savich? Can you and Sherlock stick with us?”

“Yes, Thomas.”

“Now, I’ve got to get myself ready for Krimakov. It’s been so

many years. Many times I thought he’d finally given it up, but it appears

that he’s just been biding his time.”

“He could really be dead,” Sherlock said.

“No,” Thomas said. “Adam, you, Savich, and Sherlock hang

around there for a while. Try to get a line on this guy. He’s got to be

somewhere. He’s got to be traceable. Find him. Oh, and Adam?”

“Yes, sir?”

“Stop beating yourself up. Guilt just slows down your brain. I

want that brain of yours sharp. Get it together and find my daughter.”

They finally rang off. Thomas Matlock looked at the phone for

a very long time before he slowly eased it back down. Then he

leaned his head back against the soft leather of his chair. He closed

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