Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

from the guy. At least for our sakes I hope you did. You could’ve

lost yourself in a million different places. Why come here?”

“I got you both into this. I intend to get you out.”

“Well, whatever plan you have better include saving my daughter or else

you can count me out. I’ll park myself inside her skin for the next

twenty years if I have to.”

Faith said, “I thought I could call the FBI agent I was working with,

Brooke Reynolds. We can tell her what’s going on. She could place

Lee’s daughter in protective custody.”

“For the rest of her life?” Buchanan shook his head. “No, that won’t

work. We have to cut the hydra’s heads off and then burn the stubs.

Otherwise were’re just wasting time.”

“And exactly how do we do that?” Lee asked.

Buchanan opened his briefcase and pulled out the tiny cassette tape

from a hidden crevice. “With this. I was able to record the gentleman

I’ve been talking about. On this tape he admits that he had the FBI

agent killed, among other incriminating things.”

For the first time Lee looked hopeful. “Are you serious?”

“Trust me, I would never joke about this man.”

“So we use this tape to keep the hound at bay. He hurts us, we destroy

him? He knows that. Then we’ve pulled his fangs.”

Buchanan slowly nodded. “Exactly.”

“And you know how to contact him?” asked Lee.

Buchanan nodded. “I’m sure that he’s figured out what I did and is

right now trying to deduce what my intention is.”

“Well, my intention is that you call up this asshole right this second

and tell him to stay the hell away from my daughter. I want it in

blood. And I don’t trust the sonofabitch, so I still want something

like a company of SEALS outside her dorm room for good measure. And I

still plan on heading up there myself. Just in case. They want Renee?

They go through me.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Buchanan said.

“I don’t remember asking for your permission,” Lee fired back.

“Lee, please,” Faith said. “Danny’s just trying to help.”

“I wouldn’t be in this nightmare if this guy had been straight with me

up front. So excuse the hell out of me if I don’t treat him like he’s

my best buddy.”

“I don’t blame you for feeling that way,” Buchanan said. “But you

called me for help, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you. And your

daughter. That I swear.”

Lee’s guarded manner relaxed somewhat in the face of this seemingly

frank declaration.

“Okay,” he said grudgingly. “I admit you get points for coming here.

You’ll get more points when you call off the assassins. And then after

that we should get the hell out of here. I’ve already called this

psycho once on my cell phone. I’m assuming that at some point he’ll be

able to narrow our location down from that. When you call him, it’ll

give them even more info to work with.”

“Understood. I have a plane at my disposal at a private airstrip not

too far from here.”

“Your friends in high places?”

“Friend. Senior senator from this state, Russell Ward.”

“Good old Rusty,” Faith said, smiling.

“You’re sure you weren’t followed?” Lee glanced at the front door.

“No one could have followed me. I’m not sure of much anymore, but I am

certain of that.”

“If this guy is as good as you seem to think he is, I wouldn’t feel too

certain of anything.” Lee held out his cell phone. “Now please make

the call.”


THORN HILL WAS IN HIS STUDY AT HOME when Buchanan’s phone call came in.

His communication link was such that the call was not traceable to

Thornhill, if Buchanan was perhaps sitting at FBI headquarters. And

Thornhill’s phone also had a voice scrambler that would make voice ID

impossible. On the other hand, Thornhill’s people were working on

tracing Buchanan’s location, but as yet they hadn’t been successful.

Even the CIA had its limits, what with the explosion in the field of

communications technology. There were so many electronic signals

flying through the air, it made it damn near impossible to trace a

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Categories: Baldacci David