Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

Thornhill glanced at the witness table. He didn’t recognize the men

sitting there. “Perhaps we should just reschedule.”

Ward looked past Thornhill. The latter turned and followed his gaze.

The uniformed Capitol Hill police officer ceremoniously closed the door

to the hearing room and then stood with his broad back against it, as

though daring anyone to try to get past him.

Thornhill looked back around at Ward. “Am I missing something here?”

“If you are, it will be made crystal clear in a minute,” Ward replied

ominously. Then he looked over at one of his aides and nodded.

The aide disappeared through a small doorway behind the committee. He

was back in a few seconds. And then Thornhill received what amounted

to the greatest shock of his life, as Danny Buchanan walked through the

doorway and made his way to the witness table. He never even looked at

Thornhill, who just stood there in the middle of the aisle, his

briefcase now resting motionless against his leg. The men rose from

the witness table and took seats in the audience.

Buchanan stood in front of the witness table, raised his right hand,

was sworn in and then sat down.

Ward glanced over at Thornhill, who still hadn’t moved.

“Mr. Thornhill, will you please sit down so we can get started


Thornhill couldn’t take his eyes off Buchanan. He shuffled sideways

toward the one remaining empty seat in the front row. The large man

sitting at the end of the row moved aside so Thornhill could pass by.

As*Thornhill sat, he glanced over at the man and found himself staring

at Lee Adams. “Good to see you again,” Lee said in an undertone before

settling back in his chair and turning his attention toward the front

of the room. “Mr. Buchanan,” Ward began. “Can you tell us why you’re

here today, sir “To provide testimony regarding a shocking conspiracy

at the Central Intelligence Agency,” Buchanan replied in a calm,

assured tone. Overthe years he had testified before more committees

than all the Watergatefolk combined. He was on familiar ground, his

best friend in the world doing the questioning. This was his time.

Finally. “Then I guess you should start at the beginning, sir.”

Buchanan placed his hands neatly in front of him, leaned forward and

spoke into the microphone. “Approximately fifteen months ago I was

approached by a high-level official at the CIA. The gentleman was

quite familiar with my lobbying practice. He was aware that I knew

many of the members on the Hill intimately. He wanted me to help him

with a very special project. “”What sort of project?” Ward prompted.

“He wanted me to help him gather evidence against congressmen that

could be used to blackmail them.” “Blackmail? How?” “He knew of my

efforts to lobby on behalf of impoverished countries and world

humanitarian organizations. “”We all are aware of your efforts in that

regard,” Ward said magnanimously. “As you can imagine, it’s a tough

sell up here. I’ve used most of my own money in that crusade. The man

knew that too. He felt I was desperate. An easy mark, I believe is

what he said.” “Precisely how would this blackmail scheme work?” “I

would approach certain congressmen and bureaucrats who could help

influence foreign-aid dollars and other overseas relief. I would only

approach those who needed money. I would tell them that in return for

their help, they would be compensated after they left office. They

didn’tknow it, of course, but the CIA would finance these ‘retirement’

pack ages. If they agreed to help, then I would wear a wire provided

by the CIA and record incriminating conversations with these men and

women. They would also be placed under surveillance by the CIA. All

this ‘illegal’ activity would be captured and subsequently used against

them by the man at the CIA.”

“How so?”

“Many of the people I was supposed to bribe for foreign aid also serve

on committees overseeing the CIA. For example, two of the members of

this very committee, Senators Johnson and McNamara, also sit on the

appropriations committee for foreign operations. The gentleman from

the CIA gave me a list of names of all the people he wanted to target.

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Categories: Baldacci David