Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

the doors, things like that. Never accepted one penny for it either.

Anybody has a problem in the building-the tenants are mostly old, like

me-they go to Lee, and he takes care of it.”

Reynolds smiled warmly. “Sounds like a nice guy. Go on with your


“Well, I had just gotten Max settled when the UPS man came. Saw him

out the window. And then Lee called me and said to let Max out.”

Reynolds interrupted. “Did he call from the building?” “Don’t know.

The connection was a little scratchy, like one of those cellular

phones, maybe. But the thing is, I didn’t see him leave the building.

Guess he could have gone out the back and down the fire escape,


“How did he sound?”

Mrs. Carter patted her hands together while she thought. “Well, I

guess I have to say he was agitated about something. I was surprised

he wanted me to let Max back out. I mean, I had just gotten him

settled, like I told you. Lee said he needed to give the dog a shot or

something. Now that didn’t make any sense to me, but I did what Lee

told me and then all hell broke loose after that.”

“This UPS man, did you see him?”

Mrs. Carter snorted. “He wasn’t the UPS man. I mean, he had on the

uniform and everything, but he wasn’t our regular UPS person.”

“Maybe a replacement. A substitute.”

“I’ve never seen a UPS man carrying a gun before, have you?”

“So you saw a gun?”

She nodded. “When he came running back down the steps. He had a gun

in one hand, and his other hand was bleeding. But I’m getting ahead of

myself. Before that I heard Max barking like I’ve never heard him bark

before. Then there was a scuffle, could hear it clear as day. Feet

stomping, a man yelling, Max’s claws on the wood floor. Then I heard a

thud and then I heard poor old Max howl. Then somebody started beating

on Lee’s door. The next thing I know, I hear a bunch of feet going up

the fire escape. I looked out the window of my kitchen and saw all

these men running up the fire escape. It was like I was watching a TV

show. I went back to the front door and looked out my peephole. That’s

when I saw the UPS man go out the front door. Guess he went around

back and joined the others. I’m not sure.”

Connie leaned forward in his chair. “Did these other men have any type

of uniforms on?”

Mrs. Carter looked at him strangely. “Well, you of all people should


Reynolds looked at her, confused. “What do you mean?”

But Mrs. Carter hurried on with her story. “When they knocked the

back door in, the alarm went off. The police came right off.”

“What happened when the police came?”

“The men were still here. At least some of them were.”

“Did the police arrest them?”

“Of course not. The police took Max away and let them keep searching

the place.”

Reynolds exclaimed, “Do you have any idea why the police let them


“Same reason I let you in the door.”

Reynolds looked in shock at Connie and then back at Carter and said,

“You mean-”

“I mean,” Carter broke in testily, “they were the FBI.”


“WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE DOING HERE, LEE?” Faith asked. They had taken

two other cabs after the one from the airport. The last taxi had

dropped them off in what seemed like the middle of nowhere, and they

had been walking along back streets now for what seemed like several


Lee glanced at her. “Rule number one when running from the law: Assume

they’ll find the cabbie or cabbies who dropped you off. So you never

let a cabbie drop you off at your real destination.” He pointed up

ahead. “We’re almost there.” As he walked along, Lee put his hands up

to his eyes and popped out the contact lenses, returning his eyes to

their normal blue. He put the lenses away in a special case in his

bag. “Those suckers kill my eyes.”

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Categories: Baldacci David