Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

hoped she was. Buchanan, they had been told, might be there as well.

They would take those two over Adams. He could wait. They would

eventually get him. In fact, they would not stop until they got him.

Each team member was equipped with an automatic pistol and a knife

specially designed to take out the carotid in one efficient stroke.

Each man was well skilled in exactly how to execute just such a lethal

blow. Their orders were clear. Everyone in the house had to die.

Perfectly executed, it could be a clean operation. They could be back

in Washington by late morning.

They were proud men, professionals in their own right and long in the

service of Robert Thornhill. As a team they had survived some

dangerous times in the last twenty years with their wit, skill,

physical strength and stamina. They had saved lives, made certain

parts of the world safer, helped to ensure that the United States would

become the world’s sole remaining superpower. This would mean a

fairer, more just world for many. Like Robert Thornhill, they had

joined the Agency to perform a service, to engage in a public trust. To

them, there was no higher calling.

All three men were also part of the group Lee and Faith had eluded at

Adams’s apartment. The episode had embarrassed them, tarnishing their

reputation for near perfection. They had been hoping for a shot at

redemption, and now they did not intend to waste it.

One man stayed near the top of the stairs to keep watch, while the

other two hurried down the boardwalk to the rear of the house. The

plan was simple, direct, unencumbered by layers of detail. They would

hit the house hard and fast, starting on the ground floor and moving

up. When they ran into anyone, they wouldn’t ask questions or seek

identification. Their suppressor-equipped pistols would fire one time

for each victim, and then they would move on until every living thing

in the house no longer was. Yes, it was definitely conceivable they

could be back in Washington before lunch.



his feet coming down lightly on the asphalt. He looked back over his

shoulder. The street was long, black and empty. Daylight would be

coming soon, though. He could see it in the softening edges of the

sky, like the streaked edges of a Polaroid slowly lapping to


So why couldn’t he have waited? He could have stayed until the car

came to take Faith and Buchanan to the airstrip. It would only delay

his trip to Charlottesville by a couple of hours at most. And it would

certainly increase his peace of mind. Why the hell was he running away

so fast? Renee was protected. What about Faith?

His gloved hand tapped against the Honda’s throttle. It would also

give him a chance to talk to the woman, to let Faith know that he cared

very much for her.

He turned the Honda around and headed back. When he reached the

street, he slowed the bike. The car was parked at the far end of the

street. It was a big sedan that just screamed federal government.

True, it was at the opposite end of the street and he wouldn’t have

passed it heading to the main road, but how the hell had his “expert”

eyes missed that? God, was he really getting that old?

He drove directly at the car, figuring that if it was the Feds, he

could cut off easily enough and lose them. As he drew closer, however,

it was clear the car was empty. Starting to panic, he swung the Honda

around, rode up into the driveway of the beach house two lots down from

Faith’s and jumped off. Throwing down his helmet and pulling his

pistol, Lee raced around to the rear courtyard of the house and then on

to the boardwalk that crisscrossed the rear common areas connecting all

the houses to the main steps going to the beach, like human veins

leading to the heart’s arteries. His own heart was pumping at a

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Categories: Baldacci David