The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

This, however, triggered another debate as to what was to take top priority instead. The Scientists, having now had their first view of Leapers in their native habitat, were eager to begin work.

“We should have a team trailing that pack,” insisted Tzu. “The more firsthand information we can accumulate, the faster we can complete the mission.”

“Not until we have completed our surveys of the immediate area. It was explained to you in our briefings, Tzu, that we will not engage in scientific expeditions until our mapping scouts have completed their work.”

“Come now, Commander, this is not the Empire’s first contact with this planet. We have undertaken three major campaigns: against the Wasps, against the Aquatics, and the aborted campaign against the Leapers. Surely we have sufficient geographic notations in our data files to proceed.”

“It is true we have information in our files, Tzu,” I stated. “Outdated information. As Commander I will not risk the mission or the lives of the individuals on the team needlessly, and that includes relying on outdated information when current data is readily attainable.”

“But my team is impatient to get to work. We do not feel inactivity is a means of serving the Empire.”

“Nor does anyone else, yet it seems inactivity is something we must all learn to deal with on this mission. As a possible relief, I would suggest you put your team to work checking the unidentified flora within the established defense net. We have already lost one team member to a plant your team did not have time to check.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert