The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“However, I fear you are drawing the wrong conclusions,” I corrected him. “That particular trait is common among the officers because it is common among all veteran Warriors. It is contributory to our survival to be aware of our teammates.”

He rose and began to pace as he replied.

“But all Warriors do not measure each other on the same scale. This is because they are putting the resulting data to different uses. It is difficult for me to explain to you, Rahm, because it is such a fine line you have crossed that you assume that others have done the same. Consider it in this way: Others view each other with a positive-negative judgment. That is, as they look at another Warrior, they ask themselves, Is this Warrior efficient or not? Will he be dangerous to me if I accept a post next to him on the battle line? You and others like you who are either officers or officer material do not make positive-negative judgments. You observe another’s strengths and weaknesses and adjust your actions accordingly. If you were currently in an officer position, it would mean that rather than rejecting a Warrior from service under you, that you would simply place him in a position on the team which would utilize his strengths and guard his weaknesses. That is what the High Command is looking for, officers who take what’s given them for personnel and make it work, not Warriors who would waste everyone’s time picking and choosing, looking for a perfect team.”

I needed time to think that premise through, for both its accuracy and its applicability to me, so I changed to another line of questioning.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert