The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“I see,” he said, apparently taken aback. “Perhaps I have overestimated my personal theories, and in doing so underestimated the Warriors.”

“In the Warriors we react negatively to needless death, particularly if it was caused by carelessness or incompetence.”

“In that, you are not unlike the Technicians. To reply to your original question, if there was any carelessness involved in Eehm’s death, it was her own. As such, we neither mourn her passing, nor harbor any grudges against the Warriors.”

“Very well. Then we will consider the subject closed. I apologize for distracting you from your work, but I wanted to deal with the matter as soon as possible.”

“No damage done, Commander. We are well ahead of schedule on the View Screen. If you wish to pass the word to ready the flyers, the screen should be ready by the time they can take off.”

“Excellent. The Scientists have been anxious to proceed with the mission.”

“If I might comment, Commander?”


“We Technicians have had more contact with the Scientists than the Warriors. They are a pushy lot given opportunity, and frequently short-sighted for all their wisdom. Though I expressed my feelings that I felt a Technician should lead this mission, I would add to that the observation that in lieu of a Technician, I feel much more confident of the success of the mission with a Warrior in command than I would with a Scientist in charge. In my opinion, you should trust your judgment over theirs.”

“I had planned to Horc, but I will keep your comments in mind.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert