The Bug Wars by Robert Asprin

“Return to transports.”

“Acknowledged, Commander.”

It was reassuring to know some phase of this assault had been executed without difficulty.

“Mir-Zat, Commander. All targets in the first anthill have been destroyed. We are commencing our withdrawal. Sixty-eight percent casualties so far.”


“Flyer Leader from third anthill to Commander. Request permission to land flyers and assist in strike team’s withdrawal.”

That gave me pause. Apparently the flyers from Kah-Tu’s force were refusing her order to rendezvous with the transports, asking instead to try to rescue the stranded ground force.

“Permission granted. Land your flyers out of range of the auto-weapon scanners.”

“Acknowledged. Our gratitude, Commander.”

If there was a chance to save the stranded force, it should be pursued. While I would not have ordered Warriors into such a precarious position, I would not deny them their request for such action.

“Second transport pilot to Commander. Urgent! We are going down.”


“Apparent maneuvering malfunction of space shuttle when attempting to dock with our transport. Damage severe and irreparable. We are losing orbital pattern and anticipate burn entry to planet’s atmosphere.”


One transport! Gone! This possibility had never entered into my plans.

“Rahm to space shuttle. Do not, repeat, do not attempt to dock with transports. Undetermined malfunction of your vehicles has caused destruction of Transport Two. Attempt to land in vicinity of anthills and regroup with strike teams for pickup.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert