The Little Warrior by P. G. Wodehouse

“Good Lord!!” said Wally.

“Don’t stop,” said Jill. “I’m enjoying it.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Oh, I only just arrived. I rang the bell, and the nice old lady who is cooking your lunch told me you were out here.”

“Not lunch. Breakfast.”

“Breakfast! At this hour?”

“Won’t you join me?”

“I’ll join you. But I had my breakfast long ago.”

Wally found his despondency magically dispelled. It was extraordinary how the mere sight of Jill could make the world a different place. It was true the sun had been shining before her arrival, but in a flabby, weak-minded way, not with the brilliance it had acquired immediately he heard her voice.

“If you don’t mind waiting for about three minutes while I have a shower and dress —”

“Oh, is the entertainment over?” asked Jill, disappointed. “I always arrive too late for everything.”

“One of these days you shall see me go through the whole programme, including shadow-boxing and the goose-step. Bring your friends! But at the moment I think it would be more of a treat for you to watch me eat an egg. Go and look at the view. From over there you can see Hoboken.”

“I’ve seen it. I don’t think much of it.”

“Well, then, on this side we have Brooklyn. There is no stint. Wander to and fro and enjoy yourself. The rendezvous is in the sitting-room in about four moments.”

Wally vaulted through the passage-window, and disappeared. Then he returned and put his head out.

“I say!”


“Just occurred to me. Your uncle won’t be wanting this place for half an hour or so, will he? I mean, there will be time for me to have a bite of breakfast?”

“I don’t suppose he will require your little home till some time in the evening.”


Wally disappeared again, and a few moments later Jill heard the faint splashing of water. She walked to the parapet and looked down. On the windows of the nearer buildings the sun cast glittering beams, but further away a faint, translucent mist hid the city. There was Spring humidity in the air. In the street she had found it oppressive: but on the breezy summit of this steel-and-granite cliff the air was cool and exhilarating. Peace stole into Jill’s heart as she watched the boats dropping slowly down the East River, which gleamed like dull steel through the haze. She had come to Journey’s End, and she was happy. Trouble and heart-ache seemed as distant as those hurrying black ants down on the streets. She felt far away from the world on an enduring mountain of rest. She gave a little sigh of contentment, and turned to go in as Wally called.

In the sitting-room her feeling of security deepened. Here, the world was farther away than ever. Even the faint noises which had risen to the roof were inaudible, and only the cosy tick-tock of the grandfather’s clock punctuated the stillness.

She looked at Wally with a quickening sense of affection. He had the divine gift of silence at the right time. Yes, this was home. This was where she belonged.

“It didn’t take me in, you know,” said Jill at length, resting her arms on the table and regarding him severely.

Wally looked up.

“What didn’t take you in?”

“That bath of yours. Yes, I know you turned on the cold shower, but you stood at a safe distance and watched it show!“

Wally waved his fork.

“As Heaven is my witness. — Look at my hair! Still damp! And I can show you the towel.”

“Well, then, I’ll bet it was the hot water. Why weren’t you at Mrs Peagrim’s party last night?”

“It would take too long to explain all my reasons, but one of them was that I wasn’t invited. How did it go off?” “Splendidly. Freddie’s engaged!” Wally lowered his coffee cup. “Engaged! You don’t mean what is sometimes slangily called bethrothed?”

“I do. He’s engaged to Nelly Bryant. Nelly told me all about it when she got home last night. It seems that Freddie said to her ‘What ho!’ and she said ‘You bet!’ and Freddie said ‘Pip pip!’ and the thing was settled.” Jill bubbled. “Freddie wants to go into vaudeville with her!”

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Categories: Wodehouse, P G