The Little Warrior by P. G. Wodehouse

“Do I!” she sighed ecstatically.

Mr Brown shot a keen glance at her.

“Aha!” he cried facetiously. “Who is he, Nelly? Who is this blue-eyed boy?”

“If you want to know,” said Nelly, defiance in her tone, “he’s the fellow who gave me fifty pounds, with no strings tied to it,—get that!—when I was broke in London! If it hadn’t been for him, I’d be there still.”

“Did he?” cried Jill. “Freddie!”

“Yes. Oh, Gee!” Nelly sighed once more. “I suppose I’ll never see him again in this world.”

“Introduce me to him, if you do,” said Mr Brown. “He sounds just the sort of little pal I’d like to have!”

“You remember hearing Freddie say something about losing money in a slump on the Stock Exchange,” proceeded Jill. “Well, that was how I lost mine. It’s a long story, and it’s not worth talking about, but that’s how things stand, and I’ve got to find work of some sort, and it looks to me as if I should have a better chance of finding it on the stage than anywhere else.”

“I’m terribly sorry.”

“Oh, it’s all right. How much would these people Goble and Cohn give me if I got an engagement?”

“Only forty a week.”

“Forty dollars a week! It’s wealth! Where are they?”

“Over at the Gotham Theatre in Forty-second Street.”

“I’ll go there at once.”

“But you’ll hate it. You don’t realize what it’s like. You wait hours and hours and nobody sees you.”

“Why shouldn’t I walk straight in and say that I’ve come for work?”

Nelly’s big eyes grew bigger.

“But you couldn’t!”

“Why not?”

“Why, you couldn’t!”

“I don’t see why.”

Mr Brown intervened with decision.

“You’re dead right,” he said to Jill approvingly. “If you ask me, that’s the only sensible thing to do. Where’s the sense of hanging around and getting stalled? Managers are human guys, some of ’em. Probably, if you were to try it, they’d appreciate a bit of gall. It would show ’em you’d got pep. You go down there and try walking straight in. They can’t eat you. It makes me sick when I see all those poor devils hanging about outside these offices, waiting to get noticed and nobody ever paying any attention to them. You push the office-boy in the face if he tries to stop you, and go in and make ’em take notice. And, whatever you do, don’t leave your name and address! That’s the old, moth-eaten gag they’re sure to try to pull on you. Tell ’em there’s nothing doing. Say you’re out for a quick decision! Stand ’em on their heads!”

Jill got up, fired by this eloquence. She called for her check.

“Good-bye,” she said. “I’m going to do exactly as you say. Where can I find you afterwards?” she said to Nelly.

“You aren’t really going?”

“I am!”

Nelly scribbled on a piece of paper.

“Here’s my address. I’ll be in all evening.”

“I’ll come and see you. Good-bye, Mr Brown. And thank you.”

“You’re welcome!” said Mr Brown.

Nelly watched Jill depart with wide eyes.

“Why did you tell her to do that?” she said.

“Why not?” said Mr Brown. “I started something, didn’t I? Well, I guess I’ll have to be leaving, too. Got to get back to rehearsal. Say, I like that friend of yours, Nelly. There’s no yellow streak about her! I wish her luck!”



THE offices of Messrs Goble and Cohn were situated, like everything else in New York that appertains to the drama, in the neighborhood of Times Square. They occupied the fifth floor of the Gotham Theatre on West Forty-second Street. As there was no elevator in the building except the small private one used by the two members of the firm, Jill walked up the stairs, and found signs of a thriving business beginning to present themselves as early as the third floor, where half a dozen patient persons of either sex had draped themselves like roosting fowls upon the banisters. There were more on the fourth floor, and the landing of the fifth, which served the firm as a waiting-room, was quite full. It is the custom of theatrical managers—the lowest order of intelligence, with the possible exception of the limax maximus or garden slug, known to science—to omit from their calculations the fact that they are likely every day to receive a large number of visitors, whom they will be obliged to keep waiting; and that these people will require somewhere to wait. Such considerations never occur to them. Messrs Goble and Cohn had provided for those who called to see them one small bench on the landing, conveniently situated at the intersecting point of three draughts, and had let it go at that.

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Categories: Wodehouse, P G