She’ gasped. ” ‘Tis more like you having the controlling thumb, methinks.”

He smiled. “Open your legs for me, sweeding.”

When he knelt between her legs, looking at the honeyed folds of her womanhood, Eadyth blushed and turned her head aside. “You make me ache.”

“I do?”

She nodded, then gasped as his fingers found the swelling bud in her center.

“And does it hurt, this ache?”

Shaking her head in silent negation, she tried to close her legs. ” ‘Tis too much,” she cried when he refused to stop the fluttering of his fingertips against the blossoming nub.

“Nay, ’tis not nearly enough,” he said rawly, not sure how much more of the “ache” he could stand himself. “Sweet Lord, you are like warm honey flowing over my fingertips.”

When he inserted a long finger into the slick tightness of her sheath, he could feel the tremors of her building arousal. Desire roared in his ears as her hips arched upward, seeking the fulfillment he knew she craved but did not understand.

He took his hardened staff in his hand and placed himself at her entry. With his other hand under her buttocks, he lifted her for his penetration.

The head of his staff had no sooner entered her gates than Eadyth shuddered with her own driving need. Small spasms clasped him hungrily and almost unmanned him before he even began.

“Come with me, dearling,” he coaxed. “Let us make the journey together.”

She gazed up at him with passion-glazed eyes, not fully understanding until he covered her mouth hungrily and embedded himself in her tight sheath with one long stroke.

“Oh… oh… o-o-h.” Her hot, silky inner folds welcomed him with rhythmic convulsions that grew stronger and stronger as she reached her first peak of satisfaction, tossing her head from side to side. She whimpered helplessly in her need.

When the shudders finally faded into little ripples, she opened her eyes and seemed to notice him for the first time. She smiled shyly up at him, then tilted her head questioningly. “Why do you look as if you are in pain?”

“Because I am,” he grunted out, still hard as a pike and embedded in her to the hilt, but not for long if she kept squirming.

He knew the moment realization of his problem hit Eadyth. “This is about that peaking business, is it not?”

He nodded. “Do not move… yet.”

The contrary witch made a low purring sound and arched her breasts upward, like the cat she was.

With a groan, he pulled himself out of her almost completely, and her mouth dropped open in amazement. When he plunged back in, she exhaled on a loud whoosh of disbelief. With each deliciously tortured stoke of his manhood into her heat, he slowly awakened the dormant sexuality in his siren of a wife.

“Tell me,” he gasped out.

“I want…”

“Tell me.”

“I want… oh, Eirik, you make me feel…”

His strokes turned harder and shorter, and the extent of his prim wife’s responsiveness stunned him. Thrashing her head from side to side, she whispered brokenly of her need. A floodtide of the most overwhelming pleasure he had ever experienced washed over him then, and he pummeled his wife with a hardness which would not be sated.

“Please,” she begged.

“Soon,” he promised.

“Will you come with me?”

“For a certainty. Ah, Eadyth, you are burning me with your woman heat.”

“You set the flame, my love.”

My love? Eirik exploded then with a roar of primal male satisfaction, his neck arching back as his manhood spilled its life seed into Eadyth’s convulsing body.

At first, Eadyth could not move, so stunned was she by the new and marvelous waves of pleasures that continued to ripple over her.

“Eadyth… oh, Eadyth… you were wonderful,” Eirik rasped out against her neck. “You take all I have to give and make me want to give you more. Everything.”

“I was… I was satisfactory then?” she asked tentatively, remembering Steven’s harsh appraisal of her lovemaking.

Eirik raised his head slightly. “How can you ask? You are everything a man could want, and more.”

“Truly?” she asked, inordinately pleased.

“Truly.” He lowered his head and laid his lips against her neck. Soon she felt the warm breath of his sleep against her skin. She was not offended. She felt oddly lethargic herself after all that “peaking” and allowed herself to doze for a moment.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra