Eadyth forgot about her own troubles then and Eirik’s continued anger toward her. “Tell me how I can help.”

When Eirik was done, she nodded and moved toward the door with him. Just before they went to Emma, he turned to Eadyth and said, “You and I have much unfinished business betwixt us, wife. Do not think I will forget what you have done. I have a long, long memory, and your tally sheet grows day by day.”

Chapter Sixteen

That afternoon, Eirik returned from the exercise field with his men. Sweaty and exhausted from the physical punishment, as well as the mental anguish of the past days over both Emma and Eadyth, not to mention the lack of news from the Witan, Eirik proceeded slowly up the steps.

He stopped at the open doorway of his bedchamber, stunned at the domestic tableau. Eadyth was sitting on his bed with her back propped against the headboard. One arm was wrapped around Emma and the other around John. Larise and Godric sat cross-legged at the foot of the bed, facing his wife. And the mangy dog, Prince, lay spread-eagled on the floor, gazing up at Eadyth adoringly.

The children were listening raptly to a tale Eadyth was telling about his grandfather Harald Fairhair, once king of all Norway. “And Harald fell madly in love with Gyda, the daughter of the king of Hordaland. But Gyda refused to marry him unless he conquered all of Norway, a feat no man had ever accomplished afore.”

“And my grandfather Thork was Harald’s son?” Larise asked in awe.

“Yea, one of many, many sons. Some say he had twenty-six sons, and as many daughters.”

Emma tugged on Eadyth’s sleeve. “More,” she prodded, urging Eadyth to continue the story. And Eirik realized there was yet another word his mute daughter had spoken, without thinking. He saw the light in Eadyth’s eyes and knew she recognized the progress, too. Eadyth gave Emma a quick squeeze and continued.

“And Harald loved the fair Gyda so much that he pledged never to cut his hair or wash his body ’til he ruled all Norway and gained Gyda for his wife. So for years he roamed on his exploits, growing hairier and dirtier. Some called him Harald Mop-Hair then.”

“He must have smelled like a bloody pig,” John chortled.

“John! Watch your foul tongue.”

“Can I forsake bathing and cutting my hair for years and years and years?”

“Nay, you may not.”

“Tell us more,” Larise pleaded. She and Emma were clearly enthralled.

Eirik shook his head in wonder. How could Eadyth have known it would please his daughters to hear of their family, especially when they had never had any family life to speak of? And where had his wife learned these stories of brave deeds and romantic entanglements involving one of his ancestors?

“And Tykir told me that your great-grandfather never cut his hair ’til the beautiful princess agreed to marry him,” she exclaimed, finishing her tale with a flourish. “And that is how he got the name Harald Fair-Hair.”

My brother! I should have known Tykir would weave a fanciful saga about our bloodthirsty grandfather. Eadyth neglects to mention how many wives and mistresses Harald mounted to beget so many babes. Babes who grew into vicious men who killed each other to gain the throne.

But Eirik did not break the mood for the children, or Eadyth. Instead, he leaned against the door frame, enchanted by this new side of his shrewish wife.

And inside his chest Eirik felt his heart expand and shift, and a yearning so intense it was almost painful rippled through his body. He had never had a home, even as a child. Always, he and Tykir were guests in the homes of others while his father pursued his Jomsviking duties and tried to protect them from their vengeful uncles.

Oh, to have a wife and children to care for! Who cared for him in return! What a wonder that would be!

A war of emotions raged within him. He did not crave wealth, and, in truth, had plenty. He did not covet vast lands and titles, just security and peace on his own small plot. How could he have plodded through these 31 years without realizing that the warm scene he saw in front of him right now was what he had been searching for all his life? Tears misted his eyes, and he started to turn away before he was discovered.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra