And then, being the ever-practical business woman that she was, she decided there was no sense wasting a trip to the market town without bringing some of her honey and candles to her agent. And mayhap she could sell some wool, as well. Therefore, she told Wilfrid to get the cart and a driver.

“And there might be a buyer for those extra cherries. and the embroidered cloths Girta has been working on,” she told Wilfrid. Soon the seneschal was rolling his eyes heavenward, but he muttered, ” ‘Tis good to see you back to your old self, MY lady.”

When she got to Jorvik toward evening, Eadyth headed directly for her agent’s home, where she usually stayed on her trips to the city. She discussed her business affairs with Bertrand that night, and the next day she headed to the orphanage outside the city where Eirik’s “Uncle” Selik and his second wife Rain, Eirik and Tykir’s half sister, lived.

The happy pair greeted Eadyth warmly after she introduced herself amidst the din of dozens of children screaming and crying and laughing. Eadyth could only gape at the striking couple. Rain was almost as tall as her Viking husband. Both were blond-haired and beautiful. They continually touched each other as they passed in their everyday duties, the love between them apparent to all.

Amazingly, Rain was a healer, an unusual occupation for a woman, and she ran her own small hospitium on the orphanage grounds. Selik owned trading vessels which traveled around the world to market towns. Eadyth soon realized she might strike an advantageous arrangement with him for carrying some of her bee products.

“I am sorry we could not come to your wedding,” Rain said. “I was not feeling well at the time, and Selik was concerned about my traveling this late in my pregnancy.” She patted her stomach, and Eadyth could not stop looking at Rain’s huge belly. Eadyth’s eyes welled with tears when Selik came up behind his wife and placed his hands lovingly over their unborn child, kissing Rain’s neck. Eadyth had never seen a married couple demonstrate their love so publicly before, and she found herself filled with envy.

Seeing Eadyth’s dismay, Rain asked Eadyth to sit with them. “What is wrong, Eadyth? How can we help you?”

“Have you seen Eirik?” Eadyth blurted out.

“About five days ago,” Selik said with a nod. “He came looking for helpers to refurbish his ship.”

“His ship?” Eadyth stiffened with annoyance. So, not only did her husband have a treasure room at home, but he owned a ship in Jorvik. And all the time she was jabbering away about her business ventures, he had his own trading ship. By the saints! If she did not want the lackwit so much, she might consider tossing him out on his ear.

Then another unsettling thought occurred to her. “Does he intend to sail himself?”

Selik looked uncertain. “He did not say.” Then he looked Eadyth over appraisingly. “Tell us why you are looking for your husband.”

Eadyth felt her face redden, but it was no time for pride now. She started at the beginning with her foolish charade and ended with Steven of Gravely’s disclosure.

Selik and Rain looked at each other oddly, then embraced tightly. Rain explained, with tear-filled eyes, “Selik and I—like so many others—have reasons to exult in Steven’s death.”

“Hmmm. Now I understand why Eirik seemed so upset,” Selik said. “He always was such a sensitive, somber boy. He takes things very seriously. And, no doubt, he hoped to spare our feelings.”

“Eirik? Somber?” Eadyth laughed. “Nay, you must refer to Tykir. Except for when he is angry, Eirik is ever teasing, or grinning, or winking.”

Rain and Selik both stared at her, gape-mouthed with amazement. Then Rain turned to Selik. “Have you ever heard Eirik tease anyone?”

“Never,” Selik said unequivocally. “And I have known the boy since he was in swaddling cloths.”

“And winking!” Rain laughed aloud. Then she took both of Eadyth’s hands in hers and squeezed warmly. “He must love you, dear, if you bring out that side of his character.”

Eadyth’s heart was warmed with hope, but it still brought her no closer to Eirik and a reconciliation. Selik and Rain invited Eadyth to stay with them, but she declined, wanting to be inside the city, closer to Eirik.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra