She gave the babe back to its mother, telling her to care for the infant’s needs first. Then she ordered the women and children to help her set the small cluster of homes to rights. She sent Howag to Ravenshire, warning him to take the open road for safety, and told him to instruct Bertha to send a cow and a wagonload of feed and food supplies.

When the men returned an hour later, all the debris had been swept into two piles—one containing reparable items, and one which would need the men’s work. A huge cauldron of rabbit bones and vegetables stewed in a savory broth, and flat, unleavened manchet bread baked in the hot coals of the open fire.

Eirik washed his bloody hands at a bucket near the well, then splashed water in huge handfuls onto his face, combing his hair back with his fingers. Suddenly, his eyes widened with surprise as he took note of Eadyth’s presence across the clearing. His surprise soon turned to displeasure, however, when the old woman approached him, speaking hurriedly. Eirik glanced Eadyth’s way intermittently as the woman talked to him.

When the woman left, Eirik regarded her questioningly. Then he walked over to Eadyth lazily, only the flare of his nostrils betraying his anger. He put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side, whispering against her hair, “You did not obey my order to stay with the horse.”

“You have been gone more than an hour. Did you expect me to grow hooves and nibble on the grass all that time?”

“You miss the point. You disobey my orders at will, and that I cannot abide.”

“I do not take orders well,” she conceded, not wanting to argue with Eirik, especially after their recent lovemaking.

“That is an understatement,” he growled. “Didst you make promises on my behalf to the cotters’ wives?” Apparently, that was what the woman had been discussing with Eirik.

“Yea, I did,” she admitted, suddenly realizing how inappropriate that would seem to Eirik, “but I assure you, I pledged naught that you would object to, my lord.”

“Oh? So now you read my mind, as well?”

Eadyth tried to shrug off Eirik’s arm which held her fast to his side. “Do not be so testy. I did what had to be done. You are just too stubborn to recognize that a woman can think for herself.”

Eirik’s eyes scanned the clearing, seeming to notice the good work she had done in his absence. “Even though you disobeyed my orders, I thank you for helping with the women.”

Eadyth felt an uncommon satisfaction in knowing she had pleased him in this small way, despite the grudging manner in which he thanked her.

“Was it Steven who enacted this bloody crime?”

He nodded.

“He gets more bold in his exploits, coming so close to Ravenshire. ‘Tis a challenge to us, do you not think?”

“Yea. Methinks this festering battle betwixt Gravely and me will come to a head soon.”

” ‘Tis not just your battle, Eirik. Remember, he wants my child. He wants me to drop my appeal afore the Witan.”

“Yea, but I am responsible for your protection now. Best you remember that, my wife.” Eirik pulled her closer, his large palm caressing her shoulder intimately as he spoke. And Eadyth realized suddenly that everyone was watching them in amazement, no doubt because she was not the shrewish old crone they had thought her to be, but also because their stiff-backed lady was allowing herself to be held so possessively by the master.

‘Did Eirik do it deliberately, to show his mastery over her? Eadyth narrowed her eyes suspiciously, casting a sidelong glance at him. He smiled down at her arrogantly. The cad!

Should she clout him on the head, as was her wont with an unruly servant? Oh, she would like to clout him, for sure, for taking such liberties in public, but not here, she decided. He was just as likely to clout her back. Or kiss her.

Oh, Lord.

Later. Later, she would get back at him.

Eirik’s men and the villagers were beginning to serve themselves from the cauldron, no longer paying attention to them.

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Categories: Hill, Sandra