balance the machine tolerably fairly and propel it and steer it,

then comes your next task–how to mount it. You do it in this

way: you hop along behind it on your right foot, resting the

other on the mounting-peg, and grasping the tiller with your

hands. At the word, you rise on the peg, stiffen your left leg,

hang your other one around in the air in a general in indefinite

way, lean your stomach against the rear of the saddle, and then

fall off, maybe on one side, maybe on the other; but you fall off.

You get up and do it again; and once more; and then several times.

By this time you have learned to keep your balance; and also

to steer without wrenching the tiller out by the roots (I say

tiller because it IS a tiller; “handle-bar” is a lamely

descriptive phrase). So you steer along, straight ahead, a little

while, then you rise forward, with a steady strain, bringing your

right leg, and then your body, into the saddle, catch your

breath, fetch a violent hitch this way and then that, and down

you go again.

But you have ceased to mind the going down by this time; you

are getting to light on one foot or the other with considerable

certainty. Six more attempts and six more falls make you

perfect. You land in the saddle comfortably, next time, and stay

there–that is, if you can be content to let your legs dangle,

and leave the pedals alone a while; but if you grab at once for

the pedals, you are gone again. You soon learn to wait a little

and perfect your balance before reaching for the pedals; then the

mounting-art is acquired, is complete, and a little practice will

make it simple and easy to you, though spectators ought to keep

off a rod or two to one side, along at first, if you have nothing

against them.

And now you come to the voluntary dismount; you learned the

other kind first of all. It is quite easy to tell one how to do

the voluntary dismount; the words are few, the requirement

simple, and apparently undifficult; let your left pedal go down

till your left leg is nearly straight, turn your wheel to the

left, and get off as you would from a horse. It certainly does

sound exceedingly easy; but it isn’t. I don’t know why it isn’t

but it isn’t. Try as you may, you don’t get down as you would

from a horse, you get down as you would from a house afire. You

make a spectacle of yourself every time.


During the eight days I took a daily lesson an hour and a

half. At the end of this twelve working-hours’ appreticeship I

was graduated–in the rough. I was pronounced competent to

paddle my own bicycle without outside help. It seems incredible,

this celerity of acquirement. It takes considerably longer than

that to learn horseback-riding in the rough.

Now it is true that I could have learned without a teacher,

but it would have been risky for me, because of my natural

clumsiness. The self-taught man seldom knows anything

accurately, and he does not know a tenth as much as he could have

known if he had worked under teachers; and, besides, he brags,

and is the means of fooling other thoughtless people into going

and doing as he himself has done. There are those who imagine

that the unlucky accidents of life–life’s “experiences”–are in

some way useful to us. I wish I could find out how. I never

knew one of them to happen twice. They always change off and

swap around and catch you on your inexperienced side. If

personal experience can be worth anything as an education, it

wouldn’t seem likely that you could trip Methuselah; and yet if

that old person could come back here it is more that likely that

one of the first things he would do would be to take hold of one

of these electric wires and tie himself all up in a knot. Now

the surer thing and the wiser thing would be for him to ask

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Categories: Twain, Mark