yourself in guessing out his just dues, but only in ciphering out

what would CONTENT him. And I think you have a self-deluding

reason for that.

Y.M. What was it?

O.M. If you fell short of what he was expecting and

wanting, you would get a look which would SHAME YOU BEFORE FOLK.

That would give you PAIN. YOU–for you are only working for

yourself, not HIM. If you gave him too much you would be ASHAMED

OF YOURSELF for it, and that would give YOU pain–another case of

thinking of YOURSELF, protecting yourself, SAVING YOURSELF FROM

DISCOMFORT. You never think of the servant once–except to guess

out how to get HIS APPROVAL. If you get that, you get your OWN

approval, and that is the sole and only thing you are after. The

Master inside of you is then satisfied, contented, comfortable;

there was NO OTHER thing at stake, as a matter of FIRST interest,

anywhere in the transaction.

Further Instances

Y.M. Well, to think of it; Self-Sacrifice for others, the

grandest thing in man, ruled out! non-existent!

O.M. Are you accusing me of saying that?

Y.M. Why, certainly.

O.M. I haven’t said it.

Y.M. What did you say, then?

O.M. That no man has ever sacrificed himself in the common

meaning of that phrase–which is, self-sacrifice for another

ALONE. Men make daily sacrifices for others, but it is for their

own sake FIRST. The act must content their own spirit FIRST.

The other beneficiaries come second.

Y.M. And the same with duty for duty’s sake?

O.M. Yes. No man performs a duty for mere duty’s sake; the act

must content his spirit FIRST. He must feel better for DOING the

duty than he would for shirking it. Otherwise he will not do it.

Y.M. Take the case of the BERKELEY CASTLE.

O.M. It was a noble duty, greatly performed. Take it to

pieces and examine it, if you like.

Y.M. A British troop-ship crowded with soldiers and their

wives and children. She struck a rock and began to sink. There

was room in the boats for the women and children only. The

colonel lined up his regiment on the deck and said “it is our

duty to die, that they may be saved.” There was no murmur, no

protest. The boats carried away the women and children. When

the death-moment was come, the colonel and his officers took

their several posts, the men stood at shoulder-arms, and so, as

on dress-parade, with their flag flying and the drums beating,

they went down, a sacrifice to duty for duty’s sake. Can you

view it as other than that?

O.M. It was something as fine as that, as exalted as that.

Could you have remained in those ranks and gone down to your

death in that unflinching way?

Y.M. Could I? No, I could not.

O.M. Think. Imagine yourself there, with that watery doom

creeping higher and higher around you.

Y.M. I can imagine it. I feel all the horror of it. I could

not have endured it, I could not have remained in my place.

I know it.

O.M. Why?

Y.M. There is no why about it: I know myself, and I know I

couldn’t DO it.

O.M. But it would be your DUTY to do it.

Y.M. Yes, I know–but I couldn’t.

O.M. It was more than thousand men, yet not one of them

flinched. Some of them must have been born with your

temperament; if they could do that great duty for duty’s SAKE,

why not you? Don’t you know that you could go out and gather

together a thousand clerks and mechanics and put them on that

deck and ask them to die for duty’s sake, and not two dozen of

them would stay in the ranks to the end?

Y.M. Yes, I know that.

O.M. But your TRAIN them, and put them through a campaign

or two; then they would be soldiers; soldiers, with a soldier’s

pride, a soldier’s self-respect, a soldier’s ideals. They would

have to content a SOLDIER’S spirit then, not a clerk’s, not a

mechanic’s. They could not content that spirit by shirking a

soldier’s duty, could they?

Y.M. I suppose not.

O.M. Then they would do the duty not for the DUTY’S sake,

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Categories: Twain, Mark