occurred. A person remarked for his noble mien and graceful

aspect appeared close at hand, sitting and playing upon a pipe.

When not only the shepherds, but a number of soldiers also,

flocked to listen to him, and some trumpeters among them, he

snatched a trumpet from one of them, ran to the river with it,

and, sounding the advance with a piercing blast, crossed to the

other side. Upon this, Caesar exclaimed: “Let us go whither the

omens of the gods and the iniquity of our enemies call up.


So he crossed–and changed the future of the whole human

race, for all time. But that stranger was a link in Caesar’s

life-chain, too; and a necessary one. We don’t know his name, we

never hear of him again; he was very casual; he acts like an

accident; but he was no accident, he was there by compulsion of

HIS life-chain, to blow the electrifying blast that was to make

up Caesar’s mind for him, and thence go piping down the aisles of

history forever.

If the stranger hadn’t been there! But he WAS. And Caesar

crossed. With such results! Such vast events–each a link in

the HUMAN RACE’S life-chain; each event producing the next one,

and that one the next one, and so on: the destruction of the

republic; the founding of the empire; the breaking up of the

empire; the rise of Christianity upon its ruins; the spread of

the religion to other lands–and so on; link by link took its

appointed place at its appointed time, the discovery of America

being one of them; our Revolution another; the inflow of English

and other immigrants another; their drift westward (my ancestors

among them) another; the settlement of certain of them in

Missouri, which resulted in ME. For I was one of the unavoidable

results of the crossing of the Rubicon. If the stranger, with

his trumpet blast, had stayed away (which he COULDN’T, for he was

the appointed link) Caesar would not have crossed. What would

have happened, in that case, we can never guess. We only know

that the things that did happen would not have happened. They

might have been replaced by equally prodigious things, of course,

but their nature and results are beyond our guessing. But the

matter that interests me personally is that I would not be HERE

now, but somewhere else; and probably black–there is no telling.

Very well, I am glad he crossed. And very really and thankfully

glad, too, though I never cared anything about it before.


To me, the most important feature of my life is its literary

feature. I have been professionally literary something more than

forty years. There have been many turning-points in my life, but

the one that was the link in the chain appointed to conduct me to

the literary guild is the most CONSPICUOUS link in that chain.

BECAUSE it was the last one. It was not any more important than

its predecessors. All the other links have an inconspicuous

look, except the crossing of the Rubicon; but as factors in

making me literary they are all of the one size, the crossing of

the Rubicon included.

I know how I came to be literary, and I will tell the steps

that lead up to it and brought it about.

The crossing of the Rubicon was not the first one, it was

hardly even a recent one; I should have to go back ages before

Caesar’s day to find the first one. To save space I will go back

only a couple of generations and start with an incident of my

boyhood. When I was twelve and a half years old, my father died.

It was in the spring. The summer came, and brought with it an

epidemic of measles. For a time a child died almost every day.

The village was paralyzed with fright, distress, despair.

Children that were not smitten with the disease were imprisoned

in their homes to save them from the infection. In the homes

there were no cheerful faces, there was no music, there was no

singing but of solemn hymns, no voice but of prayer, no romping

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Categories: Twain, Mark