Is there one that is well up toward man?

O.M. Yes. As a thinker and planner the ant is the equal of

any savage race of men; as a self-educated specialist in several

arts she is the superior of any savage race of men; and in one or

two high mental qualities she is above the reach of any man,

savage or civilized!

Y.M. Oh, come! you are abolishing the intellectual frontier

which separates man and beast.

O.M. I beg your pardon. One cannot abolish what does not exist.

Y.M. You are not in earnest, I hope. You cannot mean to

seriously say there is no such frontier.

O.M. I do say it seriously. The instances of the horse, the

gull, the mother bird, and the elephant show that those creatures

put their this’s and thats together just as Edison would have

done it and drew the same inferences that he would have drawn.

Their mental machinery was just like his, also its manner of

working. Their equipment was as inferior to the Strasburg clock,

but that is the only difference–there is no frontier.

Y.M. It looks exasperatingly true; and is distinctly

offensive. It elevates the dumb beasts to–to–

O.M. Let us drop that lying phrase, and call them the

Unrevealed Creatures; so far as we can know, there is no such

thing as a dumb beast.

Y.M. On what grounds do you make that assertion?

O.M. On quite simple ones. “Dumb” beast suggests an animal

that has no thought-machinery, no understanding, no speech, no

way of communicating what is in its mind. We know that a hen HAS

speech. We cannot understand everything she says, but we easily

learn two or three of her phrases. We know when she is saying,

“I have laid an egg”; we know when she is saying to the chicks,

“Run here, dears, I’ve found a worm”; we know what she is saying

when she voices a warning: “Quick! hurry! gather yourselves

under mamma, there’s a hawk coming!” We understand the cat when

she stretches herself out, purring with affection and contentment

and lifts up a soft voice and says, “Come, kitties, supper’s

ready”; we understand her when she goes mourning about and says,

“Where can they be? They are lost. Won’t you help me hunt for

them?” and we understand the disreputable Tom when he challenges

at midnight from his shed, “You come over here, you product of

immoral commerce, and I’ll make your fur fly!” We understand a

few of a dog’s phrases and we learn to understand a few of the

remarks and gestures of any bird or other animal that we

domesticate and observe. The clearness and exactness of the few

of the hen’s speeches which we understand is argument that she

can communicate to her kind a hundred things which we cannot

comprehend–in a word, that she can converse. And this argument

is also applicable in the case of others of the great army of the

Unrevealed. It is just like man’s vanity and impertinence to

call an animal dumb because it is dumb to his dull perceptions.

Now as to the ant–

Y.M. Yes, go back to the ant, the creature that–as you

seem to think–sweeps away the last vestige of an intellectual

frontier between man and the Unrevealed.

O.M. That is what she surely does. In all his history the

aboriginal Australian never thought out a house for himself and

built it. The ant is an amazing architect. She is a wee little

creature, but she builds a strong and enduring house eight feet

high–a house which is as large in proportion to her size as is

the largest capitol or cathedral in the world compared to man’s

size. No savage race has produced architects who could approach

the air in genius or culture. No civilized race has produced

architects who could plan a house better for the uses proposed

than can hers. Her house contains a throne-room; nurseries for

her young; granaries; apartments for her soldiers, her workers,

etc.; and they and the multifarious halls and corridors which

communicate with them are arranged and distributed with an

educated and experienced eye for convenience and adaptability.

Y.M. That could be mere instinct.

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Categories: Twain, Mark