Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare, 1564-1616

All The gods forbid!

MARK ANTONY Well, my good fellows, wait on me to-night:

Scant not my cups; and make as much of me

As when mine empire was your fellow too,

And suffer’d my command.


What does he mean?


To make his followers weep.

MARK ANTONY Tend me to-night;

May be it is the period of your duty:

Haply you shall not see me more; or if,

A mangled shadow: perchance to-morrow

You’ll serve another master. I look on you

As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends,

I turn you not away; but, like a master

Married to your good service, stay till death:

Tend me to-night two hours, I ask no more,

And the gods yield you for’t!

DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS What mean you, sir,

To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep;

And I, an ass, am onion-eyed: for shame,

Transform us not to women.

MARK ANTONY Ho, ho, ho!

Now the witch take me, if I meant it thus!

Grace grow where those drops fall!

My hearty friends,

You take me in too dolorous a sense;

For I spake to you for your comfort; did desire you

To burn this night with torches: know, my hearts,

I hope well of to-morrow; and will lead you

Where rather I’ll expect victorious life

Than death and honour. Let’s to supper, come,

And drown consideration.


Scene 3

The same. Before the palace.

Enter two Soldiers to their guard

First Soldier Brother, good night: to-morrow is the day.

Second Soldier It will determine one way: fare you well.

Heard you of nothing strange about the streets?

First Soldier Nothing. What news?

Second Soldier Belike ’tis but a rumour. Good night to you.

First Soldier Well, sir, good night.

Enter two other Soldiers

Second Soldier Soldiers, have careful watch.

Third Soldier And you. Good night, good night.

They place themselves in every corner of the stage

Fourth Soldier Here we: and if to-morrow

Our navy thrive, I have an absolute hope

Our landmen will stand up.

Third Soldier ‘Tis a brave army,

And full of purpose.

Music of the hautboys as under the stage

Fourth Soldier Peace! what noise?

First Soldier List, list!

Second Soldier Hark!

First Soldier Music i’ the air.

Third Soldier Under the earth.

Fourth Soldier It signs well, does it not?

Third Soldier No.

First Soldier Peace, I say!

What should this mean?

Second Soldier ‘Tis the god Hercules, whom Antony loved,

Now leaves him.

First Soldier Walk; let’s see if other watchmen

Do hear what we do?

They advance to another post

Second Soldier How now, masters!

All [Speaking together]

How now!

How now! do you hear this?

First Soldier Ay; is’t not strange?

Third Soldier Do you hear, masters? do you hear?

First Soldier Follow the noise so far as we have quarter;

Let’s see how it will give off.

All Content. ‘Tis strange.


Scene 4

The same. A room in the palace.

Enter MARK ANTONY and CLEOPATRA, CHARMIAN, and others attending

MARK ANTONY Eros! mine armour, Eros!

CLEOPATRA Sleep a little.

MARK ANTONY No, my chuck. Eros, come; mine armour, Eros!

Enter EROS with armour

Come good fellow, put mine iron on:

If fortune be not ours to-day, it is

Because we brave her: come.

CLEOPATRA Nay, I’ll help too.

What’s this for?

MARK ANTONY Ah, let be, let be! thou art

The armourer of my heart: false, false; this, this.

CLEOPATRA Sooth, la, I’ll help: thus it must be.

MARK ANTONY Well, well;

We shall thrive now. Seest thou, my good fellow?

Go put on thy defences.

EROS Briefly, sir.

CLEOPATRA Is not this buckled well?

MARK ANTONY Rarely, rarely:

He that unbuckles this, till we do please

To daff’t for our repose, shall hear a storm.

Thou fumblest, Eros; and my queen’s a squire

More tight at this than thou: dispatch. O love,

That thou couldst see my wars to-day, and knew’st

The royal occupation! thou shouldst see

A workman in’t.

Enter an armed Soldier

Good morrow to thee; welcome:

Thou look’st like him that knows a warlike charge:

To business that we love we rise betime,

And go to’t with delight.

Soldier A thousand, sir,

Early though’t be, have on their riveted trim,

And at the port expect you.

Shout. Trumpets flourish

Enter Captains and Soldiers

Captain The morn is fair. Good morrow, general.

All Good morrow, general.

MARK ANTONY ‘Tis well blown, lads:

This morning, like the spirit of a youth

That means to be of note, begins betimes.

So, so; come, give me that: this way; well said.

Fare thee well, dame, whate’er becomes of me:

This is a soldier’s kiss: rebukeable

Kisses her

And worthy shameful cheque it were, to stand

On more mechanic compliment; I’ll leave thee

Now, like a man of steel. You that will fight,

Follow me close; I’ll bring you to’t. Adieu.

Exeunt MARK ANTONY, EROS, Captains, and Soldiers

CHARMIAN Please you, retire to your chamber.


He goes forth gallantly. That he and Caesar might

Determine this great war in single fight!

Then Antony,–but now–Well, on.


Scene 5

Alexandria. MARK ANTONY’s camp.

Trumpets sound. Enter MARK ANTONY and EROS; a Soldier meeting them

Soldier The gods make this a happy day to Antony!

MARK ANTONY Would thou and those thy scars had once prevail’d

To make me fight at land!

Soldier Hadst thou done so,

The kings that have revolted, and the soldier

That has this morning left thee, would have still

Follow’d thy heels.

MARK ANTONY Who’s gone this morning?

Soldier Who!

One ever near thee: call for Enobarbus,

He shall not hear thee; or from Caesar’s camp

Say ‘I am none of thine.’

MARK ANTONY What say’st thou?

Soldier Sir,

He is with Caesar.

EROS Sir, his chests and treasure

He has not with him.

MARK ANTONY Is he gone?

Soldier Most certain.

MARK ANTONY Go, Eros, send his treasure after; do it;

Detain no jot, I charge thee: write to him–

I will subscribe–gentle adieus and greetings;

Say that I wish he never find more cause

To change a master. O, my fortunes have

Corrupted honest men! Dispatch.–Enobarbus!


Scene 6

Alexandria. OCTAVIUS CAESAR’s camp.


OCTAVIUS CAESAR Go forth, Agrippa, and begin the fight:

Our will is Antony be took alive;

Make it so known.

AGRIPPA Caesar, I shall.


OCTAVIUS CAESAR The time of universal peace is near:

Prove this a prosperous day, the three-nook’d world

Shall bear the olive freely.

Enter a Messenger

Messenger Antony

Is come into the field.

OCTAVIUS CAESAR Go charge Agrippa

Plant those that have revolted in the van,

That Antony may seem to spend his fury

Upon himself.


DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS Alexas did revolt; and went to Jewry on

Affairs of Antony; there did persuade

Great Herod to incline himself to Caesar,

And leave his master Antony: for this pains

Caesar hath hang’d him. Canidius and the rest

That fell away have entertainment, but

No honourable trust. I have done ill;

Of which I do accuse myself so sorely,

That I will joy no more.

Enter a Soldier of CAESAR’s

Soldier Enobarbus, Antony

Hath after thee sent all thy treasure, with

His bounty overplus: the messenger

Came on my guard; and at thy tent is now

Unloading of his mules.


Soldier Mock not, Enobarbus.

I tell you true: best you safed the bringer

Out of the host; I must attend mine office,

Or would have done’t myself. Your emperor

Continues still a Jove.


DOMITIUS ENOBARBUS I am alone the villain of the earth,

And feel I am so most. O Antony,

Thou mine of bounty, how wouldst thou have paid

My better service, when my turpitude

Thou dost so crown with gold! This blows my heart:

If swift thought break it not, a swifter mean

Shall outstrike thought: but thought will do’t, I feel.

I fight against thee! No: I will go seek

Some ditch wherein to die; the foul’st best fits

My latter part of life.


Scene 7

Field of battle between the camps.

Alarum. Drums and trumpets. Enter AGRIPPA and others

AGRIPPA Retire, we have engaged ourselves too far:

Caesar himself has work, and our oppression

Exceeds what we expected.


Alarums. Enter MARK ANTONY and SCARUS wounded

SCARUS O my brave emperor, this is fought indeed!

Had we done so at first, we had droven them home

With clouts about their heads.

MARK ANTONY Thou bleed’st apace.

SCARUS I had a wound here that was like a T,

But now ’tis made an H.

MARK ANTONY They do retire.

SCARUS We’ll beat ’em into bench-holes: I have yet

Room for six scotches more.

Enter EROS

EROS They are beaten, sir, and our advantage serves

For a fair victory.

SCARUS Let us score their backs,

And snatch ’em up, as we take hares, behind:

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