Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

“It wasn’t anything.” It hadn’t been quite that easy, but she was certain Bonnie hadn’t seen her palm the steel pick. Selina certainly wasn’t going to reveal her secrets.

“Oh, it was. I thought I was in real trouble. Now you’ve got to let me help you with the guy with the tigers. Fair is fair. When can you get me inside?”

Layers upon layers of doubt showed on Selina’s face—so many that Bonnie herself noticed.

“I’m not afraid and I’m a good photographer.” She spotted the wall clock: a few minutes after five. “I could show you. I brought all my gear from college. I really thought this internship was going to be more than answering telephone calls. I thought they were going to send me someplace . . .”

Selina shook her head, retreating for the door as she did.

“Please. Please give me a chance . . . ? What’s your name, anyway? If we’re going to work together to get this guy, I’ve at least got to know your name.”

The doorknob pressed against Selina’s palm, but she didn’t turn it. “Selina. Selina Kyle.”

“Selina. I like that. Moon goddess. Diana. The Huntress. What a great name for a Wilderness Warrior. Who ever heard of a Wilderness Warrior—or any kind of warrior—named Bonnie? Look, it’s after five. I can lock up, leave with my keys, and we can do dinner—I’ve always wanted to say that: ‘do dinner’—and we can make our plans. I’m great at making plans, too. . . .”

None of Selina’s formidable defenses was designed to protect her from friendship. She was completely tongue-tied, which someone else might have noticed, but not Bonnie. She took silence for consent and quickly shut down the office.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert