Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

The older cop came downstairs shaking his head. “We can take ’em down and book ’em, but what’s the use? She won’t talk to us. She won’t even say the money was stolen from her, or that saint picture. She doesn’t want anything to do with the police.” The pillowcase, the money, and the picture were spread across the counter near the cash register. He began bundling them together.

The younger cop restrained his partner. “That’s icon’s problably been in her family a long time. They had to hide it all those years; they could’ve been imprisoned or sent to Siberia just for having it. And after all that, they bring it here. I know it’s physical evidence, Cliff, but if she’s not going to press charges anyway . . . ?”

Cliff rubbed his thumb across the flaking gilt, weighing the charges. “What’s this stuff worth, anyway?”

“A lot more to her than to us,” the young officer said firmly.

Swearing softly to himself, Cliff put the icon back on the counter. Another car had arrived; backup transportation to the station. “Okay, let’s get outta here.” He turned to Batman. “You coming too?”

“Do you need me?”

“Nope.” The single word contained all the ambivalence the uniformed police felt toward costumed free-lancers.

“Then I’ll stay here. Maybe I can convince the woman to go to the station.”

“Yeah, sure. A guy in a cape, a mask, and circus clothes. Maybe she’ll think it’s Halloween.”

Batman stood without comment as the policeman and their prisoners left. He was still standing, hoping the woman would come downstairs, when another young man came down instead. He looked to be in his early twenties, and he didn’t look at all surprised to see Batman. He was surprised to see the icon. Very surprised. Very relieved. And very quick to hide what he had revealed.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert